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Q: Mica has one direction of so it breaks into sheets?
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Mica has one direction of what so it breaks into sheets?


Mica has one direction of blank so it breaks into sheets?


What is the dominant of breakage for Muscovite Mica?

Muscovite mica has perfect cleavage in one direction. It splits into thin sheets.

What is the dominant type of breakage for muscovite mica?

Muscovite mica has perfect cleavage in one direction. It splits into thin sheets.

What is the relationship between the way in which silicon-oxygen tetrahedra bond in micas and the characteristic cleavage of micas?

The silicon-oxygen tetrahedral bonds that make up mica form sheets that lay on top of each other and are easily separated, as sheets, which gives mica one direction of cleavage

What is the cleavege of mica?

one direction

How does the cleavage of feldspar differ from the cleavage of mica?

Biotite (black mica) and muscovite (white mica) are both minerals that have perfect basal cleavage--one direction. It cleaves into thin sheets. Feldspars (albite, oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, bytownite, anorthite) have good cleavage in two directions at nearly right angles, poor in a third direction.

What mineral contains oxygen and silicon is soft and shiny and separates easily into sheets?

Biotite is one of the mica group of silicate minerals.

What do mica and graphite have in common?

both break in one preferential direction

What minerals have only one direction of cleavage?

Mica minerals have only one direction of cleavage. Examples are Muscovite and Biotite.

What is the relationship between the way in which silicon-oxygen tetrahedral bond in micas and the characteristic cleavage of micas?

Mica share three oxygen atoms and link to form two dimensional sheet. Other ions fit between the sheets so they have cleavage in one direction and it occurs in books of very thin sheets

What physical properties distinguish biotite from muscovite?

Both are platy, silicate, mica group minerals with perfect cleavage in one direction.