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The mica group of minerals (phyllosilicates) fits this description.

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Q: What is a silicate mineral known for its perfect cleavlage into thin sheets?
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What mineral has something that splits into thin sheets?

Mica is made up of sheets of silicate

What common silicate mineral with the tetrahedra arranged in sheets is?

The mica group of minerals.

What are sheet silicates?

A structural type of silicate mineral in which flat sheets are formed by the sharing of three of the four oxygen atoms in each tetrahedron with neighboring tetrahedrons. Also known as layer silicate; sheet mineral; sheet silicate.

Which silicate minerals separate into sheets when they break?

The mica group of silicate minerals cleave into thin sheets. O REALLY!!!!!!

What mineral contains oxygen and silicon is soft and shiny and separates easily into sheets?

Biotite is one of the mica group of silicate minerals.

What mineral separates into sheets?

Many minerals separate into sheets. If the mineral has cleavage than it is common for it to separate into sheets. Mica separates into sheets.

What is a shiny mineral that occurs in sheets?

Its Mica

What is a mineral with smooth flat sheets?


A shiny mineral that occurs in sheets?

Minerals take many shapes and have different levels of luster. Mica is a mineral that is very shiny and occurs in sheets.

Are clay minerals made of sheet silicates?

Clay minerals structure themselves in sheets or layers, and are silicate minerals. This characteristic makes clay feel slippery when wet, as the flat individual mineral grains easily slide in a parallel fashion from one another.

What is the mineral with Crystal that breaks and two flat sheets?


Which of these is a mineral silicate?

Sheet silicates are known as phyllosilicates or layer silicates. They consist of silicon and oxygen atoms - 2 silicon atoms for each 5 oxygen atoms. Kaolinite and serpentine are examples of sheet silicates. Kaolinite also contains hydrogen and aluminum atoms while serpentine contains hydrogen and magnesium atoms.