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the answer is something harder than fluorite some examples are granite , magnetite , diamonds , and quartz .

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Q: What mineral can scratch fluorite?
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What is a mineral that fluorite can't scratch?

Fluorite is unable to scratch feldspar, quartz, corundum, diamond, or any other mineral with a Mohs hardness greater than 4.

Is fluorite a mineral?

Fluorite is a mineral.

What mineral can scratch feldspar but not quartz?

There is no mineral that would satisfy the question. If a mineral is able to scratch feldspar, it would have a Mohs hardness of 6 or above. Fluorite is rated as a 4. It would be impossible for a mineral which scratches feldspar to be unable to scratch fluorite.

What minerals you could use to scratch fluorite?

Mohs' Scale of mineral hardness using minerals is :-TalcGypsumCalciteFluorite (also known as Fluorspar)ApatiteOrthoclase FeldsparQuartsTopazCorundumDiamondThus minerals 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 will scratch Fluorite.

Can fluorite be scratch?

Yes. By any mineral or substance with a Mohs scale rating of 4 or above.

Which object can scratch calcite but not apatite?

On the Mohs mineral hardness scale, calcite is about a 3, and apatite is about a 5. So, whatever is at a hardness of 4 will scratch a 3 but not a 5. That mineral is fluorite.

Which minerals would scratch fluorite?

Any mineral with a hardness greater than that of fluorite which is 4 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Examples include quartz, orthoclase, garnet, diamond, etc.

What is the hardnessof a mineral that scratches the gypsum but can't scratch fluorite?

Between 2 and 4. Calcite, which has a hardness of 3, is one example.

What can scratch fluorite?


What minerals can a steel knife scratch?

it can scratch fluorite

Will fluorite scratch a penny?

no because fluorite is softer than a penny