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I think quartz

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Q: What mineral does gypsum and halite form?
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What rock is also a mineral?

Rock salt and rock gypsum are predominately the minerals halite and gypsum respectively. Quartzite is also predominately the mineral quartz.

Which mineral can form when a large pool of seawater slowly evaporates?

It will depend in what is in the water, in general it will be the solids that have been dissolved, but they will come out as crystals if evaporated slowly. in general it will be salt and/or limescale (calcium carbonate) as they are easily soluble

Why are gypsum and halite called evaporite sediments?

Gypsum and Halite are evaporites because they are formed through the evaporation of water to form crystals.

Which mineral are salts?

Common examples are: calcite, calcium carbonate, halite, sylvite, gypsum etc.

What mineral taste like salt?

Halite. Salt IS a mineral, a rock. Its name, when you find it on the ground in its natural form, is Halite.

What minerals form from evaporation?

Gypsum and Halite are both formed from the body of salt-water.

Can you explain why color is not a reliable method for identifying a mineral?

Colors are not a reliable method for identifying a mineral because different minerals can have the same color. Take Calcite, Halite and Gypsum for example. At first glance, all three of them appear to be the same mineral. All three of them even have the same streak and luster. However, they all have a different hardness. Calcite has a hardness of three, Halite has 2.5 and Gypsum has 2. Halite is made out of Sodium Chloride, but I wouldn't recommend tasting your mineral samples.

What type of sediment forms from mineral that crystallize from seawater?

not a hydrogenous sediment?

What is the difference between halite and gypsum?

Halite is common salt, sodium chloride (NaCl). Gypsum is calcium sulfate (CaSO4·2H2O).

Is Halite a magnetic mineral?

No, Halite is not a magnetic mineral.

Mineral whose common name is salt?

Its chemical name is Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and the correct name for its mineral form is Halite.

Is halite an inorganic material?

Yes. Halite, commonly known as rock salt, is the mineral form of sodium chloride.