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The mineral of teeth and bone is similar to calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2),

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it is cobre

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Q: What minerals are teeth made of?
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Related questions

How are minerals used in your bodies?

Our teeth are made out of minerals.

why teeth affected when there is deficiency?

the teeth are made up of certain minerals and when there is a deficiency i.e less amount of that mineral salt is there the teeth are affected

Are teeth not a mineral because they are made up of organic material?

Teeth are not a mineral, but they contain several types of minerals in their composition.

Why is teeth not a mineral?

Teeth are not considered minerals because they are organic and minerals are inorganic.

Why is teeth not considered a mineral?

Teeth are not considered minerals because they are organic and minerals are inorganic.

What minerals do teeth have?


Why aren't teeth mineral?

Teeth are not considered minerals because teeth are organic

How are teeth and egg shells alike?

teeth and egg shells are alike because both o then are made of calcium salts:)

Why are honey and teeth not considered a mineral?

They are both organic and minerals are inorganic. So honey and teeth are not minerals. GO SCIENCE! -Crazyone

What use is minerals in the body?

Minerals are mainly used in blood, bones and teeth

How many of the commercial toothpaste's had minerals in them?

All of them. The minerals help protect the enamel on your teeth.

Does water harm teeth?

water by itself is harmless, but minerals in water can have an effect on teeth.