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Q: What minerals make up the light bands of rocks?
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Do sedimentary rocks have bands of minerals?

Yes, sedimentary rocks can contain bands or layers of minerals. These bands are often formed through various processes such as sediment deposition, compaction, and cementation. The minerals within these bands can vary in composition and can provide valuable information about the depositional environment and the history of the rock.

Are minerals rocks?

No, rocks are at least two kinds of minerals.

What is one difference in how rocks and minerals are classified?

A rock is made of 2 or more minerals, minerals make up rocks but rocks cannot make up minerals.

What kind of rocks do minerals make?

Minerals are not made of rocks. Rocks are aggregates of minerals.

Why are there more different types of rocks then minerals?

Elements make up minerals, and minerals make up rocks. There are more combinations of minerals (themselves combinations) than elements.

Do minerals make up rocks?

Yes the do because, minerals are bits of rocks that are broken down int little pieces.

How do minerals relate to rocks?

minnerals make up rocks

How are minerals and rocks similar?

Both are solid and naturally occurring materials with chemical compositions. They also make up the earth around us

Why are rocks red and yellow?

The color of rocks is determined by which minerals make up the rocks. Red minerals like iron-containing hematite would make a red colored rock and sulfur containing minerals would make yellow.

How do rocks look different from minerals?

minerals make up rocks:O

How many minerals make up most of the earth's rocks?

20 different kinds of minerals make up 95% of earth's rocks.

Why are rocks minerals but minerals not rocks?

[Rock-forming] Minerals are the chemical compounds that make up the rocks, but the distinction is a bit woolly because an ore could be regarded as a rock.