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ethical research

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Q: What minimizes the risk of harm by telling research participants about what to expect before they participate in research?
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What minimizes the risk of harm by telling research participants what to expect before the participate in research?

Informed Consent

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I'm not telling you find out or research

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That it's telling you that to research the problem

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When you want to find the truth, do your own research.

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im not telling your smelly

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By not telling the people what are you study is for,

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No. Just don't participate. Telling your cousin will only hurt your relationship with him.

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U r suppose to research not wait for peoples answers.... by the way i know the answer from heart but i am not telling u!!!!! someone not telling u....

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it has alot! research to figure out:) it'll help and someone improvee thiss answer by telling me a famous crater:)

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Employees are often (and often rightly so) suspicious of the employer's plans for studies as they often translate into job cuts and similar. So the first step an any program is to provide information on the program to the employees. This should include:What the problem isWhat the study isWhat the roles of all participants will beWhat the rules around telling the truth will beWhat the outcome will be (both the upside and downside)Then there has to be an active program of information sharing and involvement.

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cos they think killing off whales, then eating them is scientific research... or at least that's what they're telling us

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He done many things in his life, but there's no telling what tribes he joined unless you do some research.