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harmonic minor

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Q: What minor scale has a lowered third and lowered sixth?
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What is the difference between major and minor triads in music?

Major triads are made up of three notes; a major third interval followed by a minor third interval. An example of the C major triad is C E G. A minor triad has a minor third interval followed by a major third interval, such as C E Flat G.

What is B flat major transposed up a minor third?

Transposed up a minor third, B flat major becomes D flat major.

What is a minor third above Eb?

its g flat

How many steps from a concert scale to major scale for a Eb instrument?

If I'm correct Eb instruments are a minor third above concert pitch instruments. This means go up 3 intervals and down a half step, or up 3 half steps if you prefer. This is transposing from concert to Eb.

What is the circle of fifth's in music?

The circle of fifths is a way of figuring out how many sharps/flats a key. Starting with C major, you go up a fifth and put a sharp on the seventh degree of the scale, which is F sharp - so the key of G major has one sharp. This can be done by going up a fifth from G to D, in D major the F sharp (third degree) is already present and again you add a sharp to the seventh note, C-sharp, thus D major has two sharps. This goes all the way round to C-sharp major, with all notes made sharp. You go down a fifth from C major to F major and lower the fourth degree, making the B a B flat, this F major has one flat. Again by going down a fifth from F is B flat and the fourth note is lowered so you lower the E to E flat, so B flat major has two flats. You keep going until you reach the key of C flat major, with all notes in the scale flat.

Related questions

What ratio does a major sixth followed by a minor third result in?

A minor third is the same distance as the tonic to the third in a natural minor scale. This is one tone followed by on semi tone, which equates to 3 semi tones. A major sixth would equate to ten semi tones. If you are going from the sixth of a major scale, to the third of a minor scale, you would be going down by 7 semi tones. However, if you are on the sixth note of a major scale, and go down by a minor third, then you will be going down by 3 semi tones.

What notes are in the key of F minor?

The standard minor scale (or natural minor) contains the first, second, lowered third, fourth, fifth, lowered sixth and lowered seventh scale degrees. In F minor the notes are: F natural minor - F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb and F. F harmonic minor - F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, E natural and F. F melodic minor - F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D natural, E natural and F (ascending). In the descending form of the F melodic minor scale, the D and D are lowered to Db and Eb (ie the same notes as the natural minor).

What scale degrees are altered in a melodic minor?

In a melodic minor scale, the 6th and 7th degree of the scale is raised up 1 half step on the way up the scale. On the way back down the scale, the 6th and 7th are back down to the natural form of the minor.

How is a minor scale formed?

To turn a major scale to natural minor, lower the third, sixth, and seventh scale tones a half step. To create a natural minor scale from scratch, it is: whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step. A harmonic minor scale has a seventh raised by a half step above a natural minor scale. A melodic minor scale has a sixth and a seventh raised by a half step above a natural minor scale.

What is the third note in an A minor scale?

C is the third note of an A minor scale.

Where does a natural minor scale's half step fall?

Using A Minor as an example, the half steps are between the second and third notes and the fifth and sixth notes.

What are the notes in an B minor scale?

In B harmonic Minor, you lower the third and sixth scale degree from the B major scale. So your notes will be B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A#, B There are three forms of minor: Harmonic, Melodic, and Natural.

What is a major scale with a minor third called?

Simply a minor scale

What is the primary difference between a major scale and a minor scale?

The primary difference between a major and minor scale is in the positioning of the tones and semitones that make up the scale. Both scales have eight notes. In the standard harmonic minor scale, the semitones occur between the 2nd and 3rd notes of the scale, whilst in the major scale, the semitones occur between the 3rd and 4th notes, and the 7th and 8th notes.

How do you tell the difference between C major and A minor and other equivalent major and minor keys?

It's called perfect pitch.

What is a major and minor?

A minor scale is the same as its major scale with the third and the seventh notes "flatted" or lowered half a step. For example, the key of C has the notes C D E F G A B C in C minor the E is changed to E-flat and the B is B-flat

What characterizes the minor scale?

The minor scale is different from a major scale because the third, sixth, and seventh are one half step lower than a major scale. For example, a C major scale is C, D, E, F, G, A, B; a C minor scale is C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb. The Eb, Ab, and Bb are one half step lower, which gives the minor scale its distinct sound.