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Q: What mistakes does Odysseus make while in Circe's palace?
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What 3 characters anger Odysseus in book 18?

Melanthius, the goatherd, insults Odysseus and kicks him while he is disguised as a beggar. Antinous throws a stool at Odysseus and insults him during his stay at the palace. Amphinomus, one of Penelope's suitors, questions and challenges Odysseus during his visit to the palace.

How is the swineherd connected to Odysseus?

Eumaeus, the swineherd, is Odysseus' trusted servant. While Odysseus is in Troy fighting in the Trojan War and on his many travels in his return home, Eumaeus acts as a father sort of figure to Odysseus' son Telemachus. When Odysseus returns, apart from Athene the goddess, Eumaus is the first person that Odysseus sees, while in his hut, disguised as a old man. He also helps sneak Odysseus into the palace and past the suitors.

Who is Phemius in The Odyssey?

Phemius, son of Terpes is the gifted bard in the Odyssey. He plays for the suitors unwillingly while they feast in Odysseus' palace. When Odysseus fights the suitors, Phemius begs for his life and is spared with Telemachus' intervention.

The odyssey bully suitor?

In Homer's "The Odyssey," the suitor who acts as a bully towards Odysseus when he returns home is Antinous. Antinous is one of the leading suitors competing for Penelope's hand in marriage while Odysseus is away. He is depicted as arrogant, disrespectful, and cruel towards Odysseus and Telemachus.

Who was loyal to Odysseus while he was gone?

The wife of Odysseus - Penelope .

What test does Odysseus pass to prove that he is Penelope's husband?

Penelope asks Odysseus if he will arrange to have his bed moved out of their bedroom while she gets used to him being home. Odysseus replies that this is impossible because the bed is built around a tree which grows within and forms a fundamental part of the structure of the palace and so to move it would be impossible. Only Odysseus would have known this and so he passes Penelope's test.

What is Odysseus's first act after leaving Hades and returning to Circe?

He and his men burnt the body of Elpenor While at Circes for the first time they all eat and drink, but Elpenor drinks too much and falls asleep on the roof and when he wakes up in the morning he falls off and dies. Odysseus then travels to the underworld and sees Elpenors soul among the others, after asking him how he died Elpenor asks him to go back to Aeaea and to perform funeral rites for him.

What was Odysseus' only goal while at sea?

Odysseus' goal was to get home.

What does Odysseus crew do while he is sleeping?

While Odysseus is lured into sleep by Cronus, the crew eat the cattle of Helios, even though Odysseus specifically said not too.

What is Odysseus' first act after leaving hades and returning to circe's island?

He and his men burnt the body of Elpenor While at Circes for the first time they all eat and drink, but Elpenor drinks too much and falls asleep on the roof and when he wakes up in the morning he falls off and dies. Odysseus then travels to the underworld and sees Elpenors soul among the others, after asking him how he died Elpenor asks him to go back to Aeaea and to perform funeral rites for him.

Who was Eumaeus?

Eumaeus was a faithful swineherd in Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey. He lived on the island of Ithaca and took care of Odysseus's pigs while the hero was away on his journey. He plays an important role in helping Odysseus reclaim his kingdom upon his return.

Compare and contrast Odysseus and Eurylochus?

Eurylochus is a coward he would have left the men as pigs when circe changed them while Odysseus wouldnt leave them. He also told the men to eat the cattle and sheep while odysseus told them not to. They are also both in a form of command on odysseus's ship. Odysseus is couragous and headstrong.