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Q: What modern organisms are thought to be most like the first life-forms on Earth?
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Which of the following is the main source of energy for living things?

All lifeforms need energy to survive. Energy is the resource that allows organisms to do things. What kinds of things might an organism do with energy? The answer to this question is as varied as the lifeforms that use energy. Some, like the African Lion, use energy to chase after prey. Other lifeforms, like many creatures we find in the depths of the Earth's oceans, use energy to create their own light. Living things use energy to grow, to defend themselves, and to move around

The first organisms on earth were most likely todays?

The first organisms on life were supposedly (scientifically) single cell organisms. We have a couple hundred billion lying around modern day.Some of Earth's first organisms were similar to today's bacteria.

What kinds of organisms survived the mass extinction that killed the dinosaursWhat kinds of organisms survived the mass extinction that killed the dinosaursWhat kinds of organisms survived the mass ex?

Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event was one of the most important events in Earth history. When a massive asteroid fell on the coast of Yucatan in modern Mexico it eradicated about half of all animal species, including the dinosaurs. But many of other organisms, such birds, survived. Also survived many organisms with light mass: early mammals, insects, some reptiles, etc.

What living thing does not need oxygen to live?

Anaerobic organisms do not require oxygen to survive. On earth, those organisms are limited to many types of bacteria and obligate anaerobes.

How are simple and complex organisms alike?

That depends on which organism. Generally, an organism is more complicated than an organ, but if the organism is unicellular (has one cell) then it could be more simple. Since one celled organisms don't have individual organs, then the anwer is that organisms are more complicated than organs.

Related questions

What were the earliest lifeforms on earth like?

The earliest lifeforms that were found on Earth, were called prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are groups of organisms without a membrane bound nucleus. They are most commonly seen in the form of bacteria.

What was the era with no lifeforms on Earth?

The Hadean Eon, the earliest time interval, was when the Earth was cooling, and continents and oceans formed. Lifeforms are thought to have appeared in the following eon, the Archean Eon.(eras are a much smaller time interval, and the Hadean is not normally subdivided into these)

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What element upon which most modern organisms depend was missing from earth's early atmosphere?

Oxygen was the element missing from Earth's early atmosphere, which eventually accumulated due to early photosynthetic organisms. This change in the atmosphere allowed for the evolution of organisms that rely on oxygen for respiration.

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Does any planet besides earth have lifeforms on it?

yes on Jupiter scientists found a small molacule

Why do nuclear bombs harmful?

Because the Blast and radiation are considered harmful to all lifeforms on the Earth.

What idea of Darwin's based on fossils and modern organisms he found basically say genetic changes are inherited by later generations?

what term defined as the study of the distributon of organisms on earth

Is there any sign of life on Mars?

There are no distinct chemical compounds on the surface that would indicate current or previous lifeforms as are found on Earth. It is possible that one or more organisms found on Earth might be able to survive in the thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, given that subsurface liquid water appears likely in several regions.

Where do you find fossils of the oldest organisms in the earth?

In Iraq and Iran, known as the cradle of life. This is thought to be the center of the supercontinent Pangea in the ancient times.

What is the first organisms here on earth?

Prokaryotes (single-celled bacteria) are thought to be the first organisms in the world. They were thought to have formed in a "mitochondria sandwhich" which is two pieces of mitochondria pressed together with various substances such as water pressed in between, allowing organisms to form in the moist conditions. For further clarification on the "mitochondria sandwhich" theory, research it.