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Q: What molecule is a stereoisomers of trains-2-Pentene?
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What isomers are bonded in the same order but arrenged diffrently in space?

Stereoisomers A molecule in front of a mirror can "see" its mirror image. If this mirror image were to be placed on top of the original molecule in order to see if it was a match, you'd find there was no way to physically manipulate the molecules to be the same. These two molecular versions are refered to as stereoisomers.

What are the stereoisomers in the chemical structure of baycol?

what do this mean stereoisomers mean

How many stereoisomers are in codeine?

There are 5 chirality centers, so there are 5^2 (=25) stereoisomers.

Are alpha and beta glucose structural isomers?

no they are not. they are stereoisomers(configurational) Structural isomers. isomers that differ in the arrangement literally. so the difference between the cylic glucose molecule that is a ring and the non ring glucose. these two are structural isomers. if molecule A and B have the same molecular formula but look different and are thus arranged differently they are structural isomers. conformational isomers. these are isomers that differ from each other simply by the rotation around a single bond. if molecule B can be twisted around the single bonds to get molecule A then A and B are conformational isomers. configurational isomers (stereoisomers). if molecules A and B do not fall into the above two categories, then they are stereoisomers. these type of isomers differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms. so if molecule A was the mirror image of molecule B then these two molecules would be a type of stereoisomers called (Enantiomers). for alpha glucose the OH group attached to the anomeric carbon is not the same as teh CH2OH group on the other side of the hemiacetal( on the other side of the ether oxygen.). ie. if the OH is axial down then the CH2OH is equatorial up. and vice versa. the molecule is beta glucose when these two substituents are the same in this aspect. both either equatorial or axial. the difference between axial and equatorial is spatial adn in the arrangement of atoms connected to the carbon ring and solely a difference in this aspect (alpha or beta) means the molecules are stereoisomers.

Is Xanax a chiral drug?

No it is not. There are no stereoisomers

Why is a knowledge of stereoisomers important in medicine?

The Thalidomide tragedy was caused in part by a lack of knowledge of stereochemistry. One of the stereoisomers was toxic the other was not.

What glucose stereoisomers are found in nature?

In cranberrys..

What is a conformer and is it a structural isomer?

Stereoisomers are isomeric molecules that have the exact same molecular formula, but a different three dimensional position. A conformer is a set of stereoisomers.

How many stereoisomers for muscarine?

muscarine has three stereocenters (aka chirality centers) therefore: 2^3=8 in conclusion, muscarine can have 8 stereoisomers.

What is the total number of pentyl alcohols including stereoisomers?

The stereoisomers is one of the alcohols present. The total number of alcohols is 11. This is not a high number as one who expect.

DNA that differ in linking number are called?


How many stereoisomers does CHCl3 have?

provided it has a tetrahedral geometry