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Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

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ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

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Q: What molecule is the ready form of energy used by cells?
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Why do cells need to use transport?

This energy comes from the molecule ATP,which stores energy in a form that cells can use

Why do cells need to use active transport?

Cells use active transport to move substances against their concentration gradient or across a membrane with the help of energy from ATP. This process is necessary for the cell to maintain proper internal conditions, such as ion balance and nutrient uptake, which are essential for its survival and functioning.

What is the cells form of energy?

Chemical energy that is contained in and transported by the molecule called Adenosine Tri Phosphate.

What cell store energy for quick release?

the liver cells store energy in the form of ATP (adenine triphosphate molecule) a simpler form of energy produced by break down of glucose molecules!

What form does cells store their energy?

Plant Cells store energy in the complex carbohydrates such as starch, disaccharides, and lipids.Animal Cells store energy in the Polysaccharide known as Glycogen.Cells store energy when a third phosphate group becomes bonded to an ADP molecule. ATP molecules are a cell's basic energy source.

Cells store energy in the form of what?

Cells store energy in the form of carbohydrates.

How can energy be stored in a molecule?

by putting energy into a molecule ------------------------------------------------------------- Energy is mainly of two form. One is matter and the other is radiation. Due to radiation such a photon energy would be given to a molecule. That energy will be stored within the molecule in the form of electromagnetic fields and mechanical too. Sometimes fast moving material particles with their mechanical energy would energize a molecule. That too will be stored in the form of electric or magnetic or mechanical form.

The potential energy of organic molecules is most readily available to cells in the form of?

Glucose is the energy that is locked inside an organic molecule most readily accessible in.

Why glucose is most preferred source of energy in cell?

In its form, glucose is ready for absorption into the blood stream. As such, it is the most preferred source of energy in body cells.

What are energy sources that cells use?

Chemical energy that is contained in and transported by the molecule called Adenosine Tri Phosphate.

What breaks down and releases energy into cells?

Actually, it takes energy to break down a molecule. But you can often get an even greater amount of energy when the fragments of the molecule that were broken down form new chemical bonds with other chemicals, especially oxygen.

What best describes the function of the ATP molecule?

is e biologica systerm that deteminate sexual characto