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Hydrogen and Carbon

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Q: What molecules are found in all or almost all organic compounds?
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Are ionic bonds generally found in organic compounds?

No. Organic compounds are almost exclusively covalent.

What are three elements that are most often found in organic compounds?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen are the three main elements of organic compounds.

What are three elements included in all organic compounds?

The three components that are needed to create small organic molecules are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These cells contain organic molecules and are essential to life.

Is Carbon found in all organic molecules?

Essentially, yes. All the organic compounds contain carbon but all the carbon containing compounds are not essentially organic as CO, CO2, KCN, NaHCO3, CaCO3.

COOH and NH2 are found on which types of compounds?

COOH (carboxyl) groups are found on compounds called carboxylic acids, which are organic compounds that contain a carboxyl group. NH2 (amino) groups are found on compounds called amines, which are organic compounds that contain an amino group. Both carboxylic acids and amines are commonly found in various biological molecules and have important functions.

What of the four types of organic molecules found in living things?

The four main categories of organic compounds in organisms are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Organic compounds are found in what food?

All foods contain organic compounds.

Compounds containing carbon found in living things?

Carbon containing compounds found in living things are called organic compounds. Examples of organic compounds are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleotides.

Can Carbon be found in inorganic or organic compounds?

it can not be found in inorganic but can be found in organic

Where are several organic compounds found at?

All living beings contain organic compounds.

Is calcium found in organic compounds?

Yes, calcium exist also in organic compounds.

Why carbon is found in All Organic molecules?

Yes, carbon is found in all organic molecules. Most organic molecules contain both carbon and hydrogen.