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Q: What mono is having or knowing only one language?
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what words start with the suffix mono?

monacid Having the power of saturating one molecule of a monobasic acid.monarchIn early use, a sole and absolute ruler of a state. In modern use, a sovereign bearing the title of king, queen, emperor, or empress, or the equivalent of one of these.monarchymonauralmonadmonandrymonasterymonograph,monolithmonologuemonorail

Do fashion designers have to speak a different language?

No, fashion designers do not have to speak a different language. However, knowing multiple languages can be beneficial when working with international clients or collaborating with teams from different countries.

Why is knowing the top 5 letters of the alphabet important?

Knowing the top 5 letters of the alphabet can be important for various reasons, such as understanding frequency distributions in language, creating mnemonic devices, and solving word puzzles or games like Scrabble. It can also help in recognizing patterns in texts and improving language learning and literacy skills.

People with high IQ are good language learners?

While having a high IQ may provide certain advantages in language learning, it is not the only factor that determines language learning ability. Factors such as motivation, practice, exposure, and effective study strategies also play significant roles in language acquisition.

What does the prefix mono in the word monopoly mean?

The prefix "mono" means "one" or "single." In the word monopoly, it refers to a situation where there is only one seller of a particular product or service, giving them exclusive control over the market.

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What is the name for having only one line of symmerty?

Possibly mono-symmetrical

Why is a person who speaks one language called monolingual?

Mono- means 'one', lingual means 'of language'. A monolingual is therefore of one language only.

What does monolingualism mean?

monolingualism - knowing, speaking, using only one language

What is the meanning of mono?

it means "only" example: "mono esi" means "only you"

What is mono-mineralic?

containing only one mineral (ergo, mono)

What does the prefix mono mean?

The prefix mono means "one, only, single."

What is the significance of tongues for Pentecostals?

It was only to be able to reach out the Chineese in their own language, the Mongoles in their own language. No other benefit of knowing new languages

Is it true that mono is only able to be passed to one person?

the meaning of mono is one but mono can be spread to more than one person

What is a mono acting?

Mono acting refers to a single actor playing multiple roles. There is only one actor on stage during mono acting.

How do you say only in greek?

mono [μόνο]

If you have Mono and have a baby will the baby have Mono?

well the only way mono can be contagious is through saliva (sharing utensils, drinks, etc). also if u cough or sneeze without covering ur mouth then there is a good chance that ur baby will get it but i would recommend taking the baby to a doctor just to make sure...sometimes there are no symptoms when having mono that's why the baby would need to get blood work done. also try not to kiss him/her

What is mono painting?

Mono is short for monochromatic, which means a painting done entirely in the tints and shades of only one color.