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Sucrose is a disaccharide made of glucose and fructose. Starch is a polysaccharide that is simply a chain of glucose.

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It is a repeating sub unit, so a single molecule would be the 'component part' (I.e. a glucose molecule)

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Q: What monosaccharides make up glycogen and starch?
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Which contains units called monosaccharides?

Monosaccharides are basic units of carbohydrates; you could say that disaccharides and polysaccharides contain units called monosaccharides. Glycogen, starch, cellulose are examples of substances made up of monosaccharides.

Define Polysaccharide and give two examples?

A polysaccharide is any carbohydrate made up of a chain of monosaccharides. Starch, cellulose, and glycogen ("animal starch") are polysaccharides.

An example of a polysaccharide that is used for energy storage in humans is?

STARCH in plants. GLYCOGEN in animals.

Characteristics of polysaccharides?

Polysaccharides are made up of carbohydrate molecules, monosaccharides, and glycosidic linkages. Examples of polysaccharides are starch and glycogen.

What is the polysaccharide found in the liver?

Polysaccharides are found in foods and are broken down into monosaccharides during digestion. They also make up starch (in plants) and glycogen (the stored form of glucose) in animals.

What is the function of starch in animals?

Starch is a polysaccharide, thus it is made up of many molecules of monosaccharides (glucose). THis allows it to be consumed then reduced to glucose to provide energy for the organism. It is how plants store their energy.

Where do starches occur in nature?

In plants, just about everywhere: The cell walls are made up of cellulose, a polysaccharide (starch), most of them store extra food as starches. In animals, most of them sore excess glucose as glycogen in their muscles and livers, and glycogen is a starch. So, basically anything with a long chain of monosaccharides hooked together is a starch.

What are the two major polysaccarides?

The most well known polysaccharides are cellulose, chitin, glycogen and starch. However, there are many other forms of polysaccharides that occur in nature and have their own unique functions. They vary in the types and bonding of the monosaccharides that make them up.

A large carbohydrate molecule with a chainlike structue composed of monosaccharides is called what?

Its starch. Starch is a polysaccharide carbohydrate molecule which is made up of monosaccharides namely glucose, sucrose, galactose, etc...

The monomer that makes up glutose starch and cellulose is the monasaccharide?

The monomer that makes up glycogen starch and cellulose is the monasaccharide?

Starch or glycogen are examples of what?

Starch and glycogen are examples of polysaccharides, which are large carbohydrate molecules made up of many sugar units joined together. They serve as energy storage molecules in plants (starch) and animals (glycogen).

Glucose is the unit that almost exclusively makes up starch and glycogen?
