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it is April definitley

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Q: What month has the most rain in the temperate rainforest?
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Second to the rain forest which biome gets the most amount of rain?

The temperate deciduous forest has the most rain besides the rainforest!

What is the name temperate forest or temperate rain forest?

temprate rainforest

What are the 2 different types of rainforest?

tropical and temperate

Can the tropical rain forest be found in the temperate zone?

A tropical rainforest cannot be found in a temperate zone, only tropical. But a temperate rainforest can be found in a temperate zone.

Why is a temperature rainforest different than a tropical rainforest?

I believe you mean ''temperate''... ? A temperate rain forest is a rain forest in a cooler climate compared to a rainforest in the tropics (near the equator). I believe the only temperate rain forest (or only rain forest for that matter) is the Hoh Rain Forest in Washington, USA. hope that helps

Are all rainforests tropical?

There are two types of rainforests, tropical and temperate. A temperate rainforest isa rain forest in a temperate area. Then a Tropical rainforest is a rainforest in the tropics.

How is a tropical rainforest different form a temperate rainforest?

because a temperate forest doesn't have as much life in it or as much rain as a rain forest and it sheds it's leafs in the fall

What is the dominant plant life found in the tropical rainforest and the temperate rainforest?

Angiosperms in tropical rain forest & Gymnosperms in temperate forest

Is yosemite park a temperate rainforest?

No. It is not a rain forest at all. Most of the terrain is "alpine" or "sub-alpine."

Is arashiyama considered a rain forest?

Yes! it is a temperate rainforest.

What animal live in temperate rain forest?

what animals live in the temperate rainforest

What is the climate in temperate rainforest?

In the temperate rainforest, the temperature can varry. Most of the Time it is warm. It receives around 200 inches of rain each year.