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January Birthstone

January Gemstone: Garnet

January Birthstone Color: Deep Red

February Birthstone

February Gemstone: Amethyst

February Birthstone Color: Purple

March Birthstone

March Gemstone: Aquamarine, Bloodstone

March Birthstone Color: Pale Blue

April Birthstone

April Gemstone: Diamond

April Birthstone Color: White, Clear

May Birthstone

May Gemstone: Emerald

May Birthstone Color: Green

June Birthstone

June Gemstone: Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite

June Birthstone Color: White or Purple

July Birthstone

July Gemstone: Ruby

July Birthstone Color: Red

August Birthstone

August Gemstone: Peridot, Sardonyx

August Birthstone Color: Pale Green

September Birthstone

September Gemstone: Sapphire

September Birthstone Color: Deep Blue

October Birthstone

October Gemstone: Opal, Pink Tourmaline

October Birthstone Color: Multi-color, Pink

November Birthstone

November Gemstone: Citrine, Yellow Topaz

November Birthstone Color: Yellow

December Birthstone

December Gemstone: Blue Topaz, Turquoise

December Birthstone Color: Blue

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14y ago

May; emeralds are the most expensive stone, because they're softer and more breakable than diamonds.

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13y ago

April(the diamond)

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Q: What month were you born if your birthstone is the more valuable than any other month's birthstone?
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the cycle works from months to months when you record the date of the first month then the date of the other month then calculate the amount days are between the two month then you will know your cycle and the date it should come the other month.

Are there other Birthstone of July?

Ruby is the traditional birthstone for July. Alternative choices are sardonyx and carnelian.

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It's the third month in the Jewish calendar, and it is just as any other month. In a leap year, there are two months of Adar (the sixth month in the calendar).

What is birthstone for April?

Happy April birthday to all those celebrating this month! Did you know that the April birthstone is diamond? According to the birthstone chart, it's believed to symbolize eternal love and strength. This rare and precious gemstone sparkles like no other and is sure to make any jewelry piece stand out. Treat yourself or a loved one to a beautiful diamond piece that will last a lifetime,

Is a birthstone also a birthstone?

This question is just like saying "Is a book also a book." In other words, yes.

What word means occurring every four months?

Quarterly (in other words 12 months divided by 4)

Which months don't have the letter v in them?

No month other than November has a v in it.

How do you write a research papers on the month you were born?

I would suggest that you try to explain why that month is different from other months, the weather, the events (harvests, elections, whatever) that happen in that month specifically rather than in other months, and if you like, you could discuss some of the important historical events that happened in that month as well.

What are the gems stones for each month?

January's birthstone is the garnet. February's birthstone is the amethyst. March's birthstone is the aquamarine. April's birthstone is the diamond. May's birthstone is the emerald. June's birthstone is the pearl. July's birthstone is the ruby. August's birthstone is the peridot. September's birthstone is the sapphire. October's birthstone is the opal. November's birthstone is the topaz. December's birthstone is the turquoise.

What is the birthstone of a Sagittarius?

Turquoise is the birthstone most often associated with the Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Other blue stones can also have a positive effect on this sign.

What does the birthstone opel mean?

Opel is a gem and is a birthstone for the month October. Opel doesn't have a significant meaning but Opel was a German industrialist who was the first in Germany to use an assembly line in manufacturing automobiles (1871-1948). Opel is commonly known as a gem or a car. That's how the car got its name. The gem was founded many many many years ago.

What gem birthstone is for September?

it is sapphire