

What month year and day did the Napoleonic Wars start?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What month year and day did the Napoleonic Wars start?
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What year was the Napoleonic wars?


How long did the Napoleonic war go on for?

The Napoleonic wars went on from the the year 1800 through 1815.

What year did the Napoleonic war start?

There is no real consensus as to when the Napoleonic Wars started, as it could be seen as an extension of the French Revolution. The wars against France started with the First Coalition in 1793 and there were very few years between then and 1815, the end of the wars, when there was not fighting with France somewhere in the world. On his return from fighting in Egypt, Napoleon seized control of the French government on 9 November 1799. This may be the moment the French Wars became the Napoleonic Wars, when Napoleon was controlling all of France. It just depends on your own viewpoint.

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The Napoleonic Wars which took place between the year 1803 and the year 1815 had battles involving Napoleon French Empire and other oppositions. The largest battle fought during this period was the 'Battle of Borodino' where the French invaded Russia.

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After the Napoleonic Wars the French King Louis XVIII was restored to the throne and France returned to the borders of the year 1789, while Napoleon was confined in the island of St.Helena

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