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Q: What months were growing months for crops in Egypt?
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What is a plough used for in Egypt?

To plough the land, as part of the growing of food crops.

How was Nile river a resource in the development of Egypt?

It was a source of water for growing crops

What country in Africa has a growing season less than six months?

it is Egypt

Is it hard to grow crops in Egypt?

It is not hard to grow crops in Egypt because in the ancient times they just wait for floods and plant their crops because they know when it is coming and when it does they are ready for it then they got surpluses (extra food) from growing crops.

How did the Egypt's people use the land?

In Ancient Egypt, people used the land for farming and growing different types of crops. They also used it as a place to put their shelters.

How long is the growing season of Indonesia?

There are actually 12 months in the growing season of Indonesia. Typcially farms will have three crops in a 12 month period.

Why was Egypt colonized?

Though the Sahara desert is just on the outskirts of Egypt, the soil around the Nile delta is quite fertile and good for growing crops. The land was also good for growing grain and during ancient times, Egypt was known as the breadbasket of the east.

What crop need a growing season of seven months?

Crops like corn, soybeans, cotton, and some varieties of rice typically require a growing season of around seven months to reach maturity. These crops need a longer period of warm weather to grow and produce a bountiful harvest.

Which soil would be best for growing farm crops?

Prairie soil will be best for growing crops.

What was the southern colonies growing season like?

The Southern Colonies were able to grow crops throughout the year. The months that they did most of their crop growing were, March, April, May, June, July, August, and September.

What problems farmers face during growing crops?

the main problem with growing crops in Africa is that there millions of bugs to eat the crops.

What do irrigation ditches in Egypt bring?

The Egyptian irrigation ditches brought water from the River Nile to water food crops growing along the Nile Valley.