

What motivated you to choose a career in massage therapy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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To help other people get healthier, and myself as well in the process of helping others.

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Q: What motivated you to choose a career in massage therapy?
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Academy for Massage Therapy Training?

The field of massage therapy is one that is expected to enjoy continued growth, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. As the population ages and there is more acceptance of alternative forms of medicine, a career in massage therapy could be a lucrative and fulfilling one.Finding the Training Required to be a Massage TherapistRegardless of which massage therapy school you attend, the courses you complete must be certified by either The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCNTMA) or The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (CMTA). Both of these professional organizations work in close partnership with massage schools across the country to insure that the schools are preparing students for the skills they need to be effective massage therapists upon graduation.The Academy for Massage Therapy training, located in Hackensack and Jersey City in the state of New Jersey, is accredited by both the NCBTMB and the CMTA. It serves students in both New York and New Jersey and has been in operation since 1990. Students who enroll at The Academy for Massage Therapy have several different career paths to choose from, including clinical massage therapy, spa therapy and general massage therapy. Upon completion of the career program, students are eligible to find work as either a Certified Massage Therapist or a Licensed Massage Therapist. The school's website is The Academy for Massage Therapy TrainingFuture massage therapists should evaluate each school carefully before making a final decision about attendance. In addition to looking at the school's website, look for more unbiased reviews by conducting an online search for this information. Once such online review site is way of evaluating a potential school is requesting an interview with a student who is about to graduate. Someone who has gone through the entire program that you are considering is an excellent resource. He or she should be able to provide you with enough information to make an informed decision about investing in your education with The Academy for Massage Therapy Training.

What are the health benefits of massage therapy in Washington!?

Good Massage therapy is used to help manage a health condition & enhance wellness. So save here exclusive styles of massages, with the bedpage you can get the best massage therapy in Washington or your selected area. Also choose various types of massages like Asian massage, massage spa, Swedish massage, B2B massage, or more at very suitable prices with benefits.Visit - Washington.bedpage

Train and Bring Relief to Others?

When you want to become a professional massage therapist, you must successfully complete massage therapy training and education courses. Becoming a massage therapist requires more than knowing how to give a good massage. Many massage therapists must take courses in physiology, anatomy, and psychology.Massage Therapy InformationMassage therapy was not always recognized as a professional career field. However, more schools are offering complete courses in massage therapy education as the field grows. In order to be accepted into a massage therapy program, many schools require you to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Certain schools may also require individuals who wish to apply for entrance into a massage therapy program to interview before being accepted into the program.Therapeutic massage encompasses over a hundred different techniques. However, before you pursue a certain technique, you can become certified as a massage therapist. Once you become certified in massage therapy or receive a massage therapy degree, you can further your career by studying other techniques.In addition to learning massage techniques, students who enter into a massage therapy program will also learn a variety of other subjects. Massage therapists are trained to know what can make a person feel both physically, and mentally better. Subjects such as nutrition, business, and ethics are all a vital part of receiving a complete education in massage therapy.Massage therapy education can be an ongoing process. Depending on how in-depth you want your education, massage therapy programs can last as little as a few weeks to as long as two years. When you choose a massage therapy school, it is advisable to choose a school that has been accredited. Once your education is complete, you must take a national exam in order to be officially certified.Many states regulate massage therapists. Some states may require you to complete a certain amount of hands-on training hours before you can become a professional massage therapist. Before entering into any massage therapy program, you should find out whether the school offers hands-on training, as well as internship opportunities. Certain massage therapy courses may be taken online, while other courses may require hands-on class time.

Can i get a Batchelor's Degree in massage therapy?

Yeah you can get bachelors degree in massage therapy. First decide in which discipline you want to get bachelors degree. Many popular universities offering degree programs in Massage therapy including diploma programs, certification course, associate's degree, master degree..etc. Choose the best Degree programs for you.

Where can one get business cards printed for a massage therapy company?

One can get business cards printed for a massage therapy company when one goes on the website of Vistaprint. There are many designs one can choose from and one can decide the color, message and details.

What to Look for In a Massage Therapy College Online?

While massage therapy is a hands-on career, it is possible to train for this career online. Online courses give students the flexibility to study around their schedule and take their time learning the required materials. Before choosing an online massage therapy college, it is important for students to understand exactly how these programs work.How Online Massage Therapy Schools WorkOnline massage therapy schools are typically broken up into two parts. These schools offer online courses in anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, body systems, pathology, medical terminology, bodywork, and massage application. Students will also take courses in basic business, ethics, and legal practices. These courses set the foundation for a career as a massage therapist.In addition to these online classes, most schools also require students to obtain clinical experience in accordance with state regulations. To help students fulfill their clinical hours, most schools assist students in finding a spa or medical facility in which to train. These hours are typically necessary for students to complete the online program and receive their diploma or certificate. While some students might wish they could complete the entire program online, hands-on experience is necessary to master different massage techniques. Without practicing what you learn, it will be difficult to perform at the skill level necessary to secure employment and gain a faithful clientele.How to Choose the Right Massage Therapy College OnlineBefore choosing a massage school, first determine the requirements for practicing massage in your state. While some states do not regulate massage therapists, most states impose specific regulations. Many states require massage therapists to take either the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage or the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, both of which are given by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). To choose a massage therapy school, make sure the program is accredited and will prepare you to take the exam necessary to practice in your state. This will put you on the right path to become a successful massage therapist.

Why did you choose a medical field as career?

-i had a daughter at a young age and she motivated me to go on and do something i love that would take care me and her..

How to Find the Right Massage Therapy School for you?

Finding a school can be a very daunting task if you do not know how to go about your search. If you have made the decision to go into massage therapy, then you will need to select the school that will prepare you for the job that you specifically want. The world of massage therapy is pretty vast, so you will need to narrow your search to the style of massage that you wish to practice and make certain that the school you choose will meet any licensing requirements for your state. Before you decide on a massage therapy school, decide what style of massage therapy you would like to specialize in and search for schools that offer training in that style. There are numerous styles of massage therapy that range from sports massage to Swedish massage and even shiatsu. Make certain to research the specific style that you wish to practice and narrow your search for schools accordingly. You may want to consider a more broad range of study, or choose a very detailed style of massage therapy. If you would like a broader range of study, do not choose a school that is limited to a few methods of practice. On the other hand, if you want to specialize in one manner of practice, the schools that specialize in one or two styles of massage therapy will be perfect for you. Make certain to also research the certification requirements for your specific state. Some states do not require certification while other states have very strict rules. If you are planning to move in the future, you will want to make sure that the program you enroll yourself in will be transferable to any state you may move to. You might want to focus on finding a massage therapy school that offers a curriculum that meets the standards of many states for this reason. Finally, make sure that you find a school that you feel comfortable with. Examine testimonials from alumni, and make an appointment to tour the school. Having narrowed down your search already, it should not be too difficult to find the massage therapy school for you.

Licensed Massage Therapists Enjoy Specialization and Varied Career Opportunities?

Many working professionals are going back to school to earn their degrees in massage therapy. Career opportunities in massage therapy continue to open, so many people are changing careers in order to enter the field. For people tired of working in an office job, massage therapy provides an opportunity to pursue what the love. Licensed massage therapists have the opportunity to specialize in one area of massage, work with a practice or even to open their own clinic. Before they've even earned their licenses, most therapists choose a particular area of massage to specialize in. They will continue to practice this type of massage throughout their careers, often joining practices that are already dedicated to the same field. Some licensed massage therapists choose to work in the traditional form of Swedish massage, which is a basic form that focuses on relaxation. Other therapists choose deep tissue massage or sports massage, which is the best kind for people who suffer from chronic pain or injuries. After choosing a particular type of massage, licensed massage therapists will often go on to work in an already established clinic with other therapists in the same field. These clinics are a great opportunity for a therapist looking to begin building his or her career. Working with other therapists is a great chance for an individual to learn more massage, while also enjoying the same type of job security that a traditional office job could provide. Additionally, therapists working in a clinic may have the opportunity to see how the clinic runs before trying to open their own practice. Other licensed massage therapists choose to open their own clinics right after they finish their certifications. Therapists who open their own practices often have an entrepreneurial spirit and are not interested in working for someone else. Though there may be more risk associated with the business aspect of the clinic, owning a practice can be a rewarding opportunity for therapist to build his or her own company. Many licensed massage therapists choose this path because it allows them to immerse themselves even further in promoting the art of massage.

How to Find the Best Massage Therapy Schools?

If you are considering a career in massage therapy, then you will need to know how to find a massage therapy school that is right for you. There are many things to consider when choosing a school for massage therapy and if you start searching without knowing what exactly you should be looking for, then you might end up choosing the wrong school. 1. Decide whether or not you want to go to school in your hometown or if you can travel. Unless you live in a big city, your options will probably be limited. By going to school out of town, you will have many more schools to choose from and you will be able to find one that is a good fit. 2. Make sure the school is accredited. Believe it or not, there are some massage therapy schools that you can attend and then not be able to get your license to practice. One of the most important things that you can do when choosing a school is to determine whether or not the school is accredited in your state. 3. Look for a variety of programs. You should be able to get a general massage therapy degree, but there should also be other options that you can choose from. A good school will offer specializations in areas such as aromatherapy or reflexology. 4. Find a school that offers continuing education. Once you are licensed massage therapist, it is likely that your state will require you to take continuing education classes each year. Finding a school that offers those classes once you have graduated will give you a head start in your career. 5. Make sure that the school has a job placement program. When you graduate, this school you have attended should be able to help you find a job. By looking for these 5 key points, you should be able to locate a massage therapy school that is right for you. Don’t give up until you find a school that you are satisfied with and you will be happy with the decision that you have made.

What is the difference between massage therapy and spa therapy?

Spa therapy is used for entire body. It uses different types of soaks, exfoliates, scrubs, masks, oils, moisturizers, hot and cold stones, and paraffin treatments. While Massage therapy is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy. It is a system of stroking, pressing and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body.