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Q: What motivates this person or people to seek these confessions Crucible?
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How many people died in The Crucible?

Nineteen people were hanged, one person was pressed to death, and as many as thirteen people may have died in prison.

Who was the first person to die in the play The Crucible?

Your mom was the one.

What authority argues in their defense and what does this reveal about him in the crucible?

the person is reverend hale.

In The Crucible who was the mob mentality?

The "mob mentality" theme in the crucible isn't necessarily one person it's the entire group, moving in an unorganized direction towards the same thing: burning people who may or may not have been witches. In the Crucible, you don't get to see where it really starts, but what you do see is the first person to actually name someone as a witch, Abigail. After Abigail, the accused accuse other people, those people accuse other people, etc., Thus leading to the "mob mentality" in The Crucible.Miller related the 1692 witch trials to his own life, when people were being persecuted because they were thought to be communists. In my opinion, the theme of mob mentality is more evident when you look at the comparison, maybe because it is on a larger scale. IE the whole country instead of one village.So, in short, the "mob mentality" in The Crucible isn't just one person, it's the entire village contributing.

Why is The Crucible by Arthur Miller not an allegory?

The Crucible is not an allegory, although many mistake it to be for obvious reasons. The Crucible was written, in part, because Arthur Miller (the playwright) was angered at his friend during The Red Scare. His friend, Kahn, reported a list of government names who were taking inside steps towards communism. Miller, upset at his good friends false accusations, wrote The Crucible shortly after.However, the Crucible's characters are almost historically accurate, three dimensional characters, two aspects rarely found in allegory. Crucible is often read to learn about the destructive nature of man and what reputation and greed can do to and/or for a person.

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In the crucible who is the first person to actually mention names?

In "The Crucible," the first person to mention names of people involved in witchcraft is Abigail Williams. She accuses Tituba of witchcraft and then begins to name other people in the community whom she claims to have seen with the devil.

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There are many things that can motivate people. People who tell someone that they can't do something will often motivate the person to succeed.

How many people died in The Crucible?

Nineteen people were hanged, one person was pressed to death, and as many as thirteen people may have died in prison.

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The point of view is in either 1 2 or 3 person. For confessions of a murder suspect

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Who was the first person to die in the play The Crucible?

Your mom was the one.

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From whose point of view is The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

3rd person

What authority argues in their defense and what does this reveal about him in the crucible?

the person is reverend hale.

In The Crucible who was the mob mentality?

The "mob mentality" theme in the crucible isn't necessarily one person it's the entire group, moving in an unorganized direction towards the same thing: burning people who may or may not have been witches. In the Crucible, you don't get to see where it really starts, but what you do see is the first person to actually name someone as a witch, Abigail. After Abigail, the accused accuse other people, those people accuse other people, etc., Thus leading to the "mob mentality" in The Crucible.Miller related the 1692 witch trials to his own life, when people were being persecuted because they were thought to be communists. In my opinion, the theme of mob mentality is more evident when you look at the comparison, maybe because it is on a larger scale. IE the whole country instead of one village.So, in short, the "mob mentality" in The Crucible isn't just one person, it's the entire village contributing.

What motivates a person age 60years to work?

Money, good health, boredom.