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For a salespersonI have spent my career in sales, typically in commision-based positions, and compensation has always been a strong factor in motivating me to be the top salesperson at my prior employers.

when i am successful at a task that motivates me to be a better worker and i know that i can do the job and i never give up on anything.

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10y ago

People are motivated at work when they are working in a position they enjoy, or in a field about which they are passionate. Some companies also offer employees incentives such as extra days off, free lunch, and monetary bonuses to motivate employees.

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13y ago

People are motivated in many different ways because no one person is like another. Each person has a unique personality. For example, if I am interested in music and Sally is not, she will not be motivated by musical things like I am. Also, we all interpret things differently, and this affects what will motivate us.

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14y ago


Young people are drawn to change by instinct. As children, they are still developing, still naturally changing as influenced by both their genes and their environment. This is what causes a baby to suckle for the first time, or to try to walk.

Discovery and Adaptation:

The discovery of new things causes people to change their brain's wiring to deal with new situations.


Generally, there is some sort of suffering or calamity that motivates people to change. People, by instinct, try to avoid pain or suffering. Often there is some sort of epiphany or sudden realization of some sort which causes people to want to change.

It is the rare person who attempts to change out of sheer motivation and desire without running from something.


When people see something, they often want it. Their desire to be something or have often motivates them to change.

Chemical balances in the brain:

Often chemical balance (or imbalances) in the brain affects the way people think and perform. The nature of our Biology can cause us to change drastically.

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15y ago

you would have to know them it is different for other people

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12y ago

W/o some sort of motivation, people wouldn't do anything.

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