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All mountains are transform boundaries. An example is the Rockies.

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Q: What mountain range is an example of a transform boundary?
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Give examples of where the three types of plate movements occur?

San Andreas Fault--transform plate boundary. Himalayan Mountain Range--convergent plate boundary. Mid-ocean ridge--divergent plate boundary.

What is a example of a large mountain range formed when two plate's made of continental lithosphere collided?

convergent boundary ^.<

An example of a mountain range?

An example of a mountain range is "The Apps"

Is the urals a major mountain range in Europe?

The Urals are a mountain range that acts as a boundary between Europe and Asia. It is the largest mountain range in Europe.

Are the Himalayas an example of a continental- continental convergent plate boundary?

Although they aren't common, yes, transform faults can give rise to mountains. Most transform faults take place between oceanic crust, but an easy-to-see example is that of the San Andreas Fault giving rise to the San Gabriel Mountains.

Is a mountain a example of a convergent boundary?

A mountain is an example of a possible result of converging plate boundaries. An actual example of a converging plate boundary would be the Indian-Eurasian Plate Boundarywhich is creating the Himalayan Mountain Range. Other convergent plates can create trenches such as the Mariana Trench, which is the lowest place on the surface of the Earth.

Which mountain range forms northern boundary of southeastern Europe?

Carpathian Mountain

Are natural boundaries landforms?

A landform such as a mountain range could act as a natural boundary. e.g. The Pyrenees Mountain range act as the boundary between France and Spain.

What was the mountain range that formed the western boundary of the original United States?

The mountain range that formed the western boundary of the original states was the Appalachian Mountains. The mountains also extend into southeastern Canada.

Is the Grand Canyon a divergent boundary?

It shouldnt be on a boundary. It is well inside the the North American plate to be on a boundary. Its a canyon not a mountain range.

What Mountain range forms the boundary between Europe and Russia?


What are continental mountain ranges associated with?

Plate tectonics, (inter-continental plate collision).