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Q: What movement features the use of the classical and traditional styles of the past in both art and architecture?
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Which art movement is the Renaissance most similar to?

The Classical movement is most similar.

The movement of Humanism was set in motion by?

rediscovery of classical art and literature.

What are 2 classical characteristics of the Discus Thrower?

the sculpture is created in an athletic stance which is part of movement

Is the Classical Realism art movement led by painters such as Dana Levin going to thrive in the face of modern art?

Dana levin is one of the leading contemporary artists in the Calssical Realism movement. The return of traditional drawing and painting skills is long overdue. Classical Realism is thriving now as modern art becomes so extreme that it is turning off the public. Classical realism has specific standards for triaining, beauty, form, and perspective. Modern art has no standard and therefore does not necessarily require much real skill ot knowldege. If everything is art then nothing is art. Some research on Dana levin led to the web links below. I noticed Dana founded an Atelier art school in Rhode Island. Atelier art schools are bringing the classical training in drawing and painting back to the forefront of art education. The traditional universities are behind the curve and do not offer such training.

What two features on earth's crust was formed by plate movement?

mountains and glacers i think but i know that mountains are right

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What are some characteristics of futurism?

Futurism was a movement from Italy that started in the 1900s and lasted into the 1940s. It affected other areas. It had nothing to do with predicting the future. It tried to break with classical forms in art, music, and architecture. It tried to produce art with no classical features such as the dada movement. Its best known artist was Picasso. In architecture its buildings have absolutely no classical features: no columns or adornments of any kinds. The buildings are cold looking. In music it used the 13 note octave instead of the traditional scale. No one sings its tunes. Futurism is past.

The first movement of a Classical concerto features sonata-allegro form with?

double exposition

What came before the romanticism movement?

Before the Romanticism movement, there was the Neoclassicism movement, which emphasized order, reason, and rationality. Neoclassicism was a reaction against the excesses of the Baroque period and sought to revive classical art and architecture.

What is classical Greek cultural movement?

The classical Greek cultural movement refers to the period in ancient Greece when there was significant advancements in art, philosophy, drama, and architecture. This period is known for producing classical works that have had a lasting impact on Western culture. Prominent figures from this time include philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, as well as playwrights like Sophocles and Euripides.

What are the characteristics of neo classical art?

It's a style in art, architecture, and the decorative arts that flourished in Europe and North America from about 1750 to the early 1800s, marked by the emulation of Greco-Roman froms.

What movement was based closely on Renaissance and Classical principles?

The Baroque Movement

Spanish classical guitarist father of modern classical guitar movement?

Andres Segovia

Which art movement is the Renaissance most similar to?

The Classical movement is most similar.

What artist movement was based closely on renaissance and classical principles?

The Baroque Movement

What has the author Kathleen James-Chakraborty written?

Kathleen James-Chakraborty has written: 'German architecture for a mass audience' -- subject(s): Architecture, Influence, Modern movement (Architecture), Popular culture, Social aspects, Social aspects of Modern movement (Architecture)

First movement of the classical suite?

allemande (french) n the first movement of the classical suite, composed in a moderate tempo in a time signature of four-four

What art movement is the Renaissance most similar to?
