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Muscles move bones only by contraction. The human finger for example... on one side of the finger is a set of muscles that extends the finger away from the palm and on the other side are a set of muscles that pull the the finger to the palm. Both work by a series of shortenings of the fibers inside the muscles.

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Q: What movement of the skeletal muscle will make the bones move?
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What can bones do?

Bones are Made stronger by calcium. Bones make up the skeletal system . This provides support , protectiOn and movement

What is the definition of a Skeletal muscle cell?

A skeletal muscle cell is a type of cell that is long, cylindrical, and striated in appearance. These cells are responsible for voluntary movement and are attached to bones by tendons. Skeletal muscle cells contract to generate force and movement in the body.

What is the Muscle that is predominantly responsible for a movement?

The muscle type responsible for body movements is skeletal muscle. This type of muscle is under voluntary control (unlike cardiac and smooth muscle) meaning that we can consciously control the movements we make. The specific skeletal muscle responsible for movement will depend on what movement is being made.

What is another name for the skeletal muscle?

skeletal muscles are defined as attached to the bones of the skeleton and make body movement possible. they are also known as striated muscles and they are voluntary muscles, meaning you can control any movement.

What type of muscle are the biceps?

Skeletal - Skeletal muscle is the muscle that is attached to the skeleton across joints. It is under voluntary control as we decide when to contract them and produce movement. Skeletal muscle is arranged in rows of fibres and is also called striated, or striped, due to its appearance. The co-ordinated contractions of skeletal muscles allow us to move smoothly and produce sports skills. There are over 700 skeletal muscles in the human body and they make up around 40% of our bodyweight. Skeletal muscle is responsible for the following functions:-Producing movement-Maintaining body posture-Generating heat to keep us warm-Storage of glycogen for energy

What are the similarities between cardiac and smooth muscle?

There are 3 types of muscle tissue: Skeletal (the muscle tissue on bones) Smooth (internal organ make-up) Cardiac (heart)

What is skeletal muscle tissue?

Skeletal tissue is one of the three types of muscle tissues. This tissues are striated and are attached to the skeleton. Skeletal or striated muscle is called voluntary because willed or voluntary control of skeletal muscle contractions is possible. When viewed under a microscope, skeletal muscle is characterized by many cross striations and many nuclei per cell. Individual cells are long and threadlike and are often called fibers. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones and when contracted produce voluntary and controlled body movements.

Bones are tissues that make up the skeletal or muscular system?

Bones are tissues that make up skeletal system.

What helps support your arms and legs in the skeletal muscle?

your bones support your arms and neck in the skeletal muscle I know it because they make your body straight of your body system or other body parts and it keeps you healthy by eating well and eating good nutrients that helps your bones strong for ever right now the adults has 206 bones and as a baby you have 300 bones in your body system

What is a group of muscle cells called?

Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.

What is another name for skeletal muscles?

skeletal muscles are defined as attached to the bones of the skeleton and make body movement possible. they are also known as striated muscles and they are voluntary muscles, meaning you can control any movement.

What can be found in every skeletal muscle?

Mycocytes, muscle cells sometimes called muscle fibers, are individual components that make up skeletal muscle cells. They are formed from the fusion of myoblasts known as myogenesis. They are long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells called myofibers. They are held together by connective tissue. The muscle is attached to tendons and bones,