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Q: What movements cause earthquakes volcanoes and mountain ranges?
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How are the location of earthquakes mountain ranges and volcanic activity related?

"Young" mountain ranges as well as earthquakes, volcanoes and tectonic plates tend to be located on or near the boundaries of tectonic plates.

A large belt of mountain ranges and volcanoes surrounds the pacific ocean. Which events are most closely associated with these mountains and volcanoes?


What forms when continental crust converge with oceanic crust?

Deep sea trenches, Mountain ranges, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes.

Why do you have so many range in California?

There are many mountain ranges in California because of tectonic forces like earthquakes or volcanoes.

Are there mountain ranges volcanoes or earthquakes not located along the plate boundaries?

yes, eg in Britain and Italy, where there are old faultlines

What do earthquakes volcanoes mineral deposits ocean trenches and mountain ranges all have in common?

they all occur along plate boundaries

What can geologic plate movements cause?

Depending upon the region and other environmental influences; hotspots, earthquakes, mountain ranges, and ocean trenches and ridges.

How do the Ayelu and Likaiu volcanoes fit into the pattern you have observed?

They don't affect earthquakes, but earthquakes affect them. Both volcanoes occur above parts of the mid ocean ridges, underwater mountain ranges formed by the plate tectonics.

What are the major mountain ranges in Costa Rica?


How volcanoes are related to earthquakes?

Volcanoes and earthquakes are seemingly very different geological events, yet they are actually closely related - both result from movements of Earth's crust. Earth's crust - the lithosphere - is composed of several major plates and many minor plates that change shape and position. Over time, these tectonic plates move, interact with each other, and are responsible for the formation of ocean basins, mountain ranges, islands, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

What are some landforms that support the plate tectonics theory?

Earthquakes, volcanoes, canyons, mid-ocean ridges, mountain ranges and so on and the results of plate tectonics.

How are the geological events related to plate tectonics?

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, formation of new volcanoes and new islands. Most of the Pacific Ocean islands like the Hawaiian Islands are volcanoes rising from the ocean floor. In other areas non-volcanic mountains are formed as plates collide and crumple.