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Q: What movements in air pressure occur in the inside of a small house - on nights after hot days and when windows are opened while theres a notable temperature difference between indoors and outdoors?
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Comparison between normal temperature pressure and standard temperature pressure?

there is no difference

What is terminal temperature difference?

It is the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to the steam inlet pressure of feed water heater and it's outlet temperature.

What is the difference between NTP and STP?

Yes, there is a little difference between NTP (Normal Temperature-Pressure) & STP (Standard Temperature-Pressure). There are detailed scientific and encyclopedic reasons behind it.

What is the difference between pressure sensor and temp sensor?

One monitors pressure and the other monitors temperature.

What is the difference between the present value of an investment and its cost?

pressure is dependent on temperature pressure is a mere important factor that affect chemical reaction temperature acts on chemical reaction faster than pressure

What does wind speed do to temperature?

wind speed is more when there is more pressure difference. with increase in temperature at a place the air expands , rises and creates low pressure. if the place near to it has very high pressure compared to the pressure at that place then strong and speed winds blow.

What is the difference between air pressure and temperature?

Temperature is the average amount of energy that a (air) particle has. Pressure is the force that the moving particle exerts as it bumps into or pushes against a surface. The higher the temperature, the faster the particles will be moving and the more force they will exert when they bump into a surface. So as temperature goes up, so does pressure.

What are the effects of temperature and volume of gas samples at constant pressure?

If the volume is constant, the density does not change with temperature. With increasing temperature there is still the same number of molecules confined to the same volume of space, so no difference in density.

How does pressure affect temperature?

as pressure increases, temperature increases

What is the difference between schedule and class?

schedule is the thickness of the pipe and class is pressure/temperature rating of a fitting or pipe

Does temperature affect hydrostatic pressure?

YES it is called "pressure temperature relationship" temperature rises so does the pressure

What is the relationship of the partial pressure of a gas and its diffusion rate?

The higher the pressure, the more easily a chemical diffuses. And seeing as pressure and temperature are directly related, the higher the temperature the more easily a chemical diffuses, and vice versa. This is caused by everything "wanting" to be equal, if there is a higher pressure, then it will diffuse to an area of lower pressure.