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your muscles do and the process is called peristalsis.

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Q: What moves food mass in a small softball to the rear of the mouth where it is swallowed?
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What grinds food mechanically into small pieces?

your teeth and tong. as you chew your teeth crush and grind the food into small pieces, the saliva causes the food to chemically break down and your tong moves it around in your mouth to make the small ball that can be swallowed.

What makes the whistling sound in my mouth?

Oscillations set up in small resonant void spaces in / near your mouth, set up by the movement of air. Or you have swallowed a mosquito or small bird.

If you had a small piece of marijuana in your mouth would it show up in a urine screen?

depends if the marijuana was swallowed yet or not.

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I rinsed my mouth with a small amount of Pepsi (less carbonated than coke) and then swallowed (to get the blood that was still in my throat) and it worked great!

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Sawfish eat small fish and bottom-dwelling invertebrates, like crabs and shrimps, which can be crushed and swallowed whole through the mouth.

What tastes food and moves it around in the mouth to be broken down by the teeth and saliva?

Food moves from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. A combination of gravity and small muscles in the esophagus causes the food to move.

How small is hail?

It can be as small as Rice, or as big as a Softball.

At what stage do hookworm larvae produce illness?

The larvae are coughed up into the throat and mouth, and are then swallowed and passed into the small intestine. It is within the intestine that they develop into the adult worm

What is dangerous if swallowed?

a small fork

How do you respond to queries asked when mouth is full of food?

You don't respond when your mouth is full of food; you wait until you have swallowed it so you can then talk. If you are eating during a conversation you should only put a small amount of food in your mouth so that you can easily swallow it when you need to respond.

What makes food into a small lump called a bolus?

Food is transformed into a small lump called a bolus through the process of chewing and mixing it with saliva in the mouth. The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food in the mouth helps form the bolus, which is then swallowed and passes through the esophagus into the stomach where further digestion occurs.