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There is no movie in existence that is rated A. There is only G, PG, PG-13, and R. You can watch PG-13 movies as long as you are 12 yrs. old, or older. G and PG movies can be seen by anyone, no matter how old you are. For example, Bambi, The Lion King, and Cinderella are all G movies. Kung Fu Panda is rated PG, along with the new movie, Rango. R movies are for people 18 or older. The movies may contain inapropriate violence, or others of that sort.

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Q: What movies are rated A that is a horror movie?
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It depends on the movie. Some horror movies are really scary but only rated pg13 and some horror movies that aren't really scary are rated R. And if it is a movie that's not horror, then you probably can watch it. Make sure to ask your parent(s) of you think it will be too scary or inappropriate. I hope this helps (:

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First of all, if your looking for a good scary/horror movie rated PG; you're on the wrong planet. Any movie of these genres are meant to have a PG-13 rating or NC-17. One movie in particular that is rated PG is Sarah Landon and the Paranormal Hour. Message me if you want me to find more. :)

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well yes because he is in a rated r movie and VAMPIRES ya i think so.

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Thrillers, or Horror movies a called " Edge of your seat movies "

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