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Q: What muscle contracts and produce tension?
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What happens when a muscle contracts?

when the muscle shortens (contracts), the two bones come closer together, isometric contraction excepted.

What smooth muscle contracts produce when an artery or arteriole is damaged?

a vascular spasm

Does the diaphragm produce hormones?

No the diaphragm does not produce hormones. All the diaphragm is is a muscle that expands and contracts to inflate and deflate your lungs.

When a muscle relaxes it becomes?

Muscle fiber generates tension through the action of actin and myosin cross-bridge cycling. While under tension, the muscle may lengthen, shorten or remain the same. Although the term 'contraction' implies shortening, when referring to the muscular system, it means muscle fibers generating tension with the help of motor neurons

Is concentric isotonic contraction is defined as tension developing in the muscle as it shorten?

That is correct, the muscle shortens as it contracts. E.g. A bicep curl, the bicep muscle as you lift the wight up is Isotonic contraction. :)

What does a muscle become when it contracts?

A muscle becomes shorter when it contracts.

When a muscle contracts how does its form change?

A muscle that contracts shortens whereas a muscle that relaxes lengthens.

The muscular system allows our bones to do what?

Your brain sends impulses to nerves in your muscles when you desire to move. When the muscle contracts or relaxes, it puts on or releases tension of the ligaments connecting muscle to bone, causing motion.

When one muscle contracts what happens to the opposing muscle?

When one muscle in a pair contracts the other expands.

When the muscle contracts it is?


When muscle contracts it is?


When a muscle contracts it?
