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Q: What muscle is superficial to the rhomboid muscles?
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Where is the rhomboid muscle located?

The rhomboid muscles, often simply called the rhomboids, are rhombus-shaped muscles associated with the scapula and are chiefly responsible for its retraction. There are two rhomboid muscles: Rhomboid major muscle and Rhomboid minor muscle. They are located on the back that connects the scapula with the vertebrae of the spinal column.

What are the most superficial muscles in the lower leg?

Gastrocnemius is the most superficial muscle.

Is skin superficial or deep to the muscles below it?

Skin is superficial to muscles. Superficial means above, while deep means below. So muscles are deep to skin and dermis is superficial to muscle tissue.

What muscle pulls the scapula medially?

a combined contraction of the levator scapulae, rhomboid major and minor muscles and the latissimus dorsi muscle.I would narrow this answer down to the Rhomboid Muscles-Luceinrhomboids

Is biceps brachii a superficial or deep muscle?

it is the most superficial of the brachium muscles

What muscles form a posterior group and act on the pectoral girdle?

They are rhomboid major and rhomboid minor. You have trapezius muscle. The latissimus dorsi gives or takes the support is not clear.

What is the opposing muscle to the Serratus Anterior?

Its antagonists are the trapezius and the two rhomboid muscles.

Are muscles superficial to the skin?

In the way you are using "superficial" it will mean " being on or near the surface".Thus the answer is "YES" the skin is a superficial organ - BUT -"NO" the skin is not "superficial" specifically to muscles - it does not surround muscles, it surrounds the whole body and the muscles are beneath (and some in - the ones that raise the hairs) the skin.

What is the main difference between the rhomboid major and rhomboid minor muscles?

i farted

Which of the calf muscles is the most superficial?

The gastrocnemius is the calf muscle which is most superficial. The soleus is deeper. Some think that these should be called one.

What muscle is attached to the humerus bone?

rhomboid mayor and minor,serratus anteriorlevator scapula,scalenessubclavius,etc

What is Rhomboiditis?

Inflammation of rhomboid's muscle