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Levator scapulae

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Q: What muscle rotates the neck?
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What is the function of the sternocleidomastiod muscle?

The sternocleidomastoid muscle, also known as sternomastoid and comonly abbreviated as SCM, is a paired muscle in the superficial layers of the anterior portion of the neck. It acts to flex and rotate the head.

Does the sternomastoid muscle muscle control head movement?

The stenrocleidomastoid muscle bilaterally does neck extension, while unilaterally, they laterally flex the Neck to the same side of the muscle contracting, and rotates th neck to the contra lateral side. So if you rotate to the left, the right sternocleidomastoid muscle is working. The right stenrocleidomastoid will also cause right lateral flexion( side bending)

What is a muscle that rotates the upper arm?

There is not a single muscle that rotates the upper arm. The name of the muscle that contributes in rotation of the upper arm is deltoid muscle.

Is the neck muscle a skeletal muscle?

Yes, neck muscle is a skeletal muscle.There is no single neck muscle, however, all the muscles in the neck are skeletal.

What muscle rotates the arm medially?

The "Subscapularis" This muscle rotates the arm medially (sub = below, scapulo = shoulderblade)

What is the prayer muscle?

; Sternocleidomastoid muscle - this branchiomeric muscle flexes the head (prayer muscles) when both left and right members contract. The neck twists or rotates when only one contracts. Its antagonist is the splenius capitis, a somatic muscle (which extends the head). Both these muscles act as 1st class levers.

What is the name of the strap muscle in the neck?

what is the name of the"strap muscle"in the neck? sternocleidomastoid

Is the neck a voluntary or involuntary muscle?

neck muscle is voluntary muscle i think this is correct

What classification of muscle does neck?

the ghuophomeia muscle

What does the sternocleidmastoid muscle move?

it flexes and rotates the head

The trapezius muscle is known as?

The neck muscle or traps

What type of muscle is the neck muscle?

Skeletal muscles