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Q: What muscle strengthened by abduction of the shoulder is?
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What muscle is the prime mover for shoulder abduction?

Trapezius and Levator Scapulae

Which muscle abducts the shoulder?

The middle part of the deltoid abducts the shoulder, as well as shoulder abduction at the supraspinatus and biceps brachii muscles.

Shoulder muscle that is the antagonist of the trapezius?

Shoulder adductors. Abduction means moving away from the median plane of the body and adduction means moving towards the median plane of the body.

What is the functions of glenohumeral?

The glenohumeral joint is commonly known as the shoulder joint it is not a muscle. It acts functionally as a diarthrosis and multiaxial joint.It is the most moveable joint in the body.Flexion and extension of the shoulder joint in the (sagittal plane).Abduction and adduction of the shoulder (frontal plane).Horizontal abduction and horizontal adduction of the shoulder (transverse plane).Medial and lateral rotation of shoulder (also known as internal and external rotation).Circumduction of the shoulder (a combination of flexion/extension and abduction/adduction).

What is involved in abduction of the arm at the shoulder joint?

abduction of the shoulder- crucifix on the rings in gymnastics adduction of the shoulder- second half of a star jump?

What is the synergist of latissimus dorsi?

The muscle of the pectoralis is antagonist to the latissimus dorsi during the shoulder adduction. The anterior fibers are involved in shoulder abduction when the shoulder is externally rotated.

What is the innervation of shoulder abduction?


What is the prime mover of shoulder abduction?

The prime muscle differs depending on the degree of abduction. From 1 to 20 degrees it is the supraspinatus muscle, from 20 to 90 degrees it is the deltoid and from 90 degree and above the action is done by that rotate the scapula (trapezius and serratus anterior).

What is the Prime mover for abduction?

the supraspinatus ...I think Deltoid muscle(acromial part)

How do the prefixes in the terms adduction and abduction explain their possible muscle movement?

how do prefixes in the terms adduction and abduction explain their possible muscle action

What Actions of the shoulder girdle?

abduction, adduction,rotation, elevation

Where are your deltoid muscles?

The deltoid muscle is one muscle with three sections. Each one is located in your left and right shoulder. All three of them together perform an action called abduction to the shoulder (glenohumeral joint.)in the upper armIt is located at the shoulder.