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it helps us chew food and speak

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Q: What muscles and joints are used during chewing food?
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What makes your food mix your food with chemicals?

Chewing starts the process, stomach muscles continue the mixing.

Masseter and temporalis muscles are used for?

They are responsible for mastication process (i.e)chewing the food

What do animals need to be able to control their actions besides bones joints and muscles?

food because if they eat food they wont mess with anybody

What muscle in your mouth is used for pushing food around?


What does chewing food remove out of it?

chewing allows you to get the ntrients out of your food

What helps keep food between the griding surfaces of the teeth during chewing?


What keeps food between the grinding surfaces of the teeth during chewing?

The tongue and the cheeks

What is process that breaks food into smaller pieces by chewing and the churning action of muscles in the stomach and small intestine?

That process is called the Digestion Process.

What parts of the digestive system are involved in physically breaking down food?

The teeth (in the mouth) - for chewing, and the muscles around the gut - for peristalsis.

What form of energy is chewing food?

It is both types of energy actually (potential and kinetic). The act of chewing involves kinetic energy (moving your jaw, the energy burned processing the food, etc.). When you consume the nutrients in the food, they are converted to potential energy which when used is then converted to kinetic energy when you use the muscles for more chewing, walking, breathing, etc. So, you turn potential energy, stored in glucose in your muscles, into kinetic energy when you chew the food by moving those muscles and digest the nutrients, which stores up more potential energy to be converted into other examples of kinetic energy when you burn that fuel for walking, running, living. Bit of a big circle.

What directs chewing food down the tube located in the throat?

uvulaThere are three steps to swallowing food effienctly .1) During the first stage of swallowing, your tongue moves the food around your mouth so that it can be chewed. Chewing helps to break food down into smaller chunks, while mixing it with saliva. Saliva makes the food moist and easier to swallow.2)Your tongue pushes food or liquid to the back of your mouth. The nervous system triggers the swallowing reflex, activating the muscles that push the food down your throat towards your oesophagus (tube running from the throat to the stomach). During this phase, the larynx (voice box) closes in order to prevent any food or liquid from entering your lungs.3)Food or liquid enters your oesophagus. In a healthy person, muscles quickly move the food or liquid through the oesophagus and into the stomach.

How does this activity relate to the purpose of chewing in preparing food for digestion?

when the food that was not grind looked like food entering our mouth and we are chewing it and the food was grined looked like food we were chewing and it was mixed with saliva.