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The muscles used are the glottis, larynx,diaphragm, external intercostal muscles,and the quadratus lumborium.

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Q: What muscles do children use to breathe?
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When assessing the child's respirations the nurse should keep in mind that children normally use which muscles to breathe?

Children normally use their diaphragm and intercostal muscles to breathe. The diaphragm is the main muscle responsible for breathing, while the intercostal muscles help expand and contract the chest cavity during respiration.

Is it possible to not use any muscles for a minute?

No, because when you breathe you are using your muscles.

Which muscles enabled us to breathe?

muscles of the mouth

What 2 things do humans need to breathe?

lungs and muscles

Does a ladybug have muscles?

Ladybugs, like all animals, have muscles. They need muscles to move, fly, breathe and pump blood around their bodies.

Why is paralysis of breathing muscles dangerous?

Probably because you can't breathe...

Why is it important that involuntary muscles work without your control.?

it is important because we cant tell our selves breathe,breathe,breathe. Our brain knows so we don't control it.

Why do we become short of breath?

Your muscles use oxygen that's extracted from the air by the lungs and transported to the muscles by the blood. When you begin to move your muscles will need more oxygen, so you need to breathe faster in order for the lungs to be able to pick up more oxygen from the air.

When your active why does more blood get pumped to the muscles?

you're muscles need more oxygen which is carried in you're blood. this is why you breathe faster as well.

Is it possible to breathe without the muscular system?

Nope, that's how poisons like botox or curare work. They paralyze your muscles and then you are unable to breathe and you die.

How do children get muscles?

They are born with them.

How do bullfrogs breathe?

they use its skin to breathe