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your calf.

A calf raiser works the calf muscle. A calf its really made up of three different muscles: the gastrocnemius, the plantaris, and the soleus.

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Q: What muscles does a calf raiser work?
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Do squats work the calf muscles?

Yes, Because you are squatting

Which muscles do treadmills work?

glutes(butt),abdominals,calf,and thigh muscles as well as some of the smaller muscles in your feet.

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The sole f80 treadmill work a few muscles out. They work out your quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, calf muscle, lower abdominal muscles and your upper abdominal muscles.

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calf muscles and arm muscles adductors abductors

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Ski sits work your Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteals and Gastrocnemius(calf).

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There are several muscles working when pitching. Starts of with the abductor muscles when striding. leg muscles such as the calf, quads and hamstring work when push of happens. then shoulder girdle, lats and biceps work as arms rotate. Core muscles work for rotation

What muscles make up the calf muscles?


What can not you do to be a fast runner?

work out your calf muscles , jog and jog and sprint and sprint all this over and over

How does the esophageal groove in the calf work?

In the calf, the esphageal groove works by contracting muscles in such a way so that the fluid (being milk) that the calf drinks by-passes the rumen and heads straight for the abomasum. The calf's head as to be tilted up and out in order for the groove to properly work. As the calf ages and the rumen reaches maturity, this groove disappears.

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The muscles used in tap dancing include: bicep and other arm muscles calf muscles and thigh muscles back muscles and bottom muscles but you will only work all of these muscles if you are tap dancing correctly.

What is the name of the muscle that is located in the calf?

The calf muscles are the gastrocnemius and the soleus.