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knee muscles

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Q: What muscles pull knees together?
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What controls how your muscels work together what is it called?

muscles pull on each other.also they are put together by joints

What are some good ways to strengthen my knees?

Some good ways to strengthen your knees would be to perform exercises which would strengthen the muscles around your knees. Low impact sports would help to build muscles on your knees as well.

How much muscles and bones work together to make organisms move?

muscels pull the bone

When do bones allow movement to occur?

Your movable bones are attached to skeletal muscles by tendons. Your muscles move to pull the bones, which are often attached by semi-restricted ball-joints, like in your elbows and knees.

Can individual muscles pull in only one direction?

all of them, muscles can only contract and relax

What are the skeletal muscle interactions?

Skeletal muscles work together or in opposition Muscles only pull (never push) As muscles shorten, the insertion generally moves toward the origin Whatever a muscle (or group of muscles) does, another muscle (or group) "undoes"

What injuries are common ballet?

muscles injuries to the back, knees,and angles

What injuries are common in ballet?

muscles injuries to the back, knees,and angles

How did the muscles in your legs and thighs move when you bend your knees?

Mr Bobby

Do muscle push bones to make them move?

Muscles never "push"; they can only "pull".The only power that muscles have is to contract or relax. When they contract, they pull. Most bones have two or more sets of muscles, and each muscle pulls in one direction; in sets, the muscles can work together or oppose each other, which account for all the actions that an animal or person can perform.

How muscles and bones coordinate?

In order to move, muscles pull on the joints to pull the bones and let them move.

Is there any exercises to building strength in the knee quickly?

Strengthen your knees by doing traditional squats, lunges and step-ups. Strengthening muscles surrounding your knees, such as your quads, will help strengthen and protect your knees. Strengthen your quads by stretching your legs in front of you while perched at the edge of a chair. Keep your knees straight as you tighten and relax your thigh muscles.