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gluteus maximus

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Q: What muscles stabilize the body when standing?
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Fibularis brevis & longus These muscles do not abduct the thigh...

Do muscles fix and stabilize nearby joints?


What muscles in the back help stabilize the spine?

the muscles in the back help stablize the spine

What is the main function of muscle?

The main function of any muscle is to contract. Some other functions of muscles and the muscular system are that they: maintain the body's posture stabilize joints produce movement generate heat

Does your body use 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still?


What is the muscles main functions?

The main function of any muscle is to contract. Some other functions of muscles and the muscular system are that they: maintain the body's posture stabilize joints produce movement generate heat

Why are muscles important of the body?

the muscles are an important part of the body is because so that we can move. or we will be like jelly

What are the effects of squatting?

Squats are one of the best, if not the best, exercises you can do. This is because they work so many muscles, while forcing you to stabilize and balance your body under a heavy load. The primary muscles involved are the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and adductors.

What Muscle tissue maintains posture body position and stabilizes joints?

Muscles stabilize joint by supporting the movement of the joints. Joint in the bones are not able to move alone. The muscles support weight from applying pressure to the joint which protects the joint from damage.

What are the most active muscles when standing still?

Active muscles in standing include the erector spinae muscles, the abdominal muscles, psoas major, soleus, iliopsoas, gluteus medius and minimus

What muscles fixes and depresses the rib and stabilize pelvis during walking?

rectus abdominis

What musles are used during squat?

Squats are one of the best, if not the best, exercises you can do. This is because they work so many muscles, while forcing you to stabilize and balance your body under a heavy load. The primary muscles involved are the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and adductors.