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Q: What mythical animale moster had the body tail and hind legs of a lion and the head forelegsand wings of an eagle?
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Info about griffens?

A Griffin is a half lion half eagle mythical creature have bin real.)

Is a griffin a tall tale?

Griffins are mythical. They are animals that are said to be half eagle and half lion.

What mythical creature is half lion half eagle?

The Griffin has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.This mythical creature was called a Griffin.

What mythical monster had the body tail and hind legs of a lion and the head forelegs and wings of and eagle?

a chimera

What mythical monster had the body tail and hind leg of a lion and the head forelegs and wings of an eagle?


What does griffin mean not the person?

A griffin is a mythical beast that has the forequarters of an eagle, including the wings, and the hindquarters of a lion.

What is the meaning of the name Griffin?

A Griffin or Gryphon is a mythical creature with the head and wings of an Eagle and the body of a Lion.

What is the mythical bird called that displayed on Indonesia's coat of arms?

The garuda (Indonesian for 'eagle' as well funnily enough)

What type of animal is a griffon?

It is a mythical creature that has a lion body, eagle wings, a bird head (probably eagle too) and a snake tale. You also have a type of dog that is named griffin.

What is a Hippogriff created from?

The Hippogriff is a mythical creature made from a hawk and a horse. Not to be confused with the griffon (or gryphon) which is a combination of a eagle and a lion.