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Q: What mythical city buildings were said to be lined with what?
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Some Australian mythical creatures are: The bunyip: a marsupial with horse-like tail, flippers, and (only in male) walrus tusks. The marsupial dragon: a bipedal dragon with pouch.

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Bunyips are mythical creatures of Australia said to live in billabongs and murky swamps.

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Griffins are mythical. They are animals that are said to be half eagle and half lion.

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If you mean Sasquatch, it is a mythical ape like creature said to be in North America.

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It was said that the Titan, Atlas, supported the heavens as a punishment.

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Amon is a mythical god of wind or air. The Egyptians worshiped him in the land of Thebes where he is said to have lived.

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Whatever keeps being mistaken for said mythical beast is clearly not extinct. What that creature is I do not know.

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