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Q: What nail polish brands start with the letter b?
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What kind of invention start with the letter N?

nail polish neon neckties thats all I know

What things that you wear start with the letter n?

nail polish,

What is a good science experiment with nail polish?

Which Nail Polish Lasts Longer? (choose two brands of reagular poilish) or Which Nail Polish Dries Faster? (choose two brands of regular polish) or Does Topcoat Really Make a Difference? (choose a topcoat and one brand of regular polish)

What is a good nail polish slogan?

use beauty brands nail polish! it dries fast, is durable and doesn't wear out for weeks! (example.)

Does opi shatter work on other brads of polish?

Yes, it works with all brands of nail polish.

Objects around the house that start with the letter N?

nickels nail polish nail files napkins needles nectarines newspapers nightgowns notebooks nutcrackers

What types of nail polish brands are there?

there is a lot of them so i cant really name the types

How do you get your to grow?

Well for me its easy because I have close relatives that have long nails but if your in a situation you should use nail grow nail polish with brands such as ruby red nail polish (the polish is clear ) they also have products that harden your nails so the wont break as much

What starts with the letter j and is pink?

nail polish

Item from the bathroom with the letter N?

No-Doze,Neosporin,nail polish,nail file,

Where do you buy nail polish?

I buy most of my nail polish at walmart,but if you want more expensive brands like O.P.I. then you can go to your salon and buy some their.Also target,and walgreens have some good nail polish and beauty shops like Claires are good too.

How do you get your nails to grow?

Well for me its easy because I have close relatives that have long nails but if your in a situation you should use nail grow nail polish with brands such as ruby red nail polish (the polish is clear ) they also have products that harden your nails so the wont break as much