

What name is given to monomers as proteins?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Amino acids are the monomeres in polypeptide proteines.

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Q: What name is given to monomers as proteins?
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What name is given to to the monomers of proteins?

The name given to the monomers of proteins is amino acids.

What name given to the monomers of proteins?

The name given to the monomers of proteins is amino acids.

What name is given to the monomers to proteins?

Amino acids are the monomers of proteins.

What name is given the monomers of protein?

The name given to the monomers of proteins is amino acids.

What name is given to the monomers and proteins?

Proteins are formed from aminoacids.

What names are given to monomers of proteins?

The monomers of protein are amino acids. There are 20 common amino acids. Some of the most common are Alanine, Glycine and Leucine.

Which monomers are found in protein?

The correct question to ask would have been "Monomers that are found in proteins are called _______?" but to answer your question, Monomers that are in proteins are called amino acids.

How many differ kinds of monomers are in proteins?

There are 20 different kinds of monomers in proteins, called amino acids.

Which types of organic molecules have their monomers joined by a peptide bond?

Proteins have their monomers, amino acids, joined together by peptide bonds.

Aminoacids are monomers of protein?

Yes, amino acids are monomers of proteins.

What types of bonds and monomers form proteins?

Proteins are formed from peptide bonds between amino acid monomers. Amino acids are the monomers that link together through dehydration synthesis to form proteins.

What are monomer proteins made of?

The monomers of proteins are amino acids.