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Q: What name is given to the conversion of alcohols to alkanoates?
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What are alkanoates?

Alkanoates is the general I.U.P.A.C name for anions of carboxylic acids as CH3COO- is ethanoate.

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What is every alcohols name?

No, because there are a theoretically infinite number of them.

What is woods alcohols chemical name?

methanol CHO

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This question cannot be answered unless the name is given of the currency from which or to which the Philippine currency is to be converted.

Is grain alcohol a compound?

Grain alcohol or ethyl alcohol is included in the group of a class of organic compound which is given the common name alcohols. Grain alcohol is also the hallucinogenic ingredient of various alcoholic beverages.

What is the name for OH?

OH- is a hydroxide ion, if the dash is a superscript. It can be the functional group in alcohols but the dash would normally precede it in that case.

What is the name of the thing that you can carry on a conversion?

...your point.

Can you sale land after conversion from Agriculture to commercial by Urban Improvement trust and given on 99 years lease?

Yes u definitely can sell land after conversion from Agriculture to commercial by Urban Improvement Trust and given on 99 years lease...only the registry will have to be done again in the registrar's office..and the registry fees has to be paid...and the lease will be transferred to the buyer under his(buyer's) name.

Name the proton donor species which react with Grignard Reagent to give alkanes?

Such species include water, alcohols and all the acids.