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Q: What name of the plan created the three branches of government?
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Name one part of government?

There are three branches of the American government: judicial, executive, and legislative.

What percent of American can't name any branches?

only about 36% of Americans can all three branches of government.

The plan which created the three branches of government and also the bicameral legislature gave more power to states with high populations name the plan?

A) Virginia Plan.

The name of the three branches of government?

The Executive branch, the Legislative branch , and the Judicial branch.

What is the name of the documents that limited the power of the endless King?

all three branches of government

What is the name for Rome's three part government?

The Romans did not have a three-part government. The concept of a government with three branches is a modern one. it dates back to the 18th century, nearly 1,300 years after the fall of Rome.

The bill of rights establishes three branches of government?

No. The Bill of Rights is part of the US Constitution that spells out the individual rights and protections of US citizens. The part of the US Constitution that describes how the Federal Government "operates" and describes the 3 branches of the Federal Government is contained in the part of the Constitution called the "Articles".

Name three levels of us government?

Local, State, and Federal courts.

What is the name of the system that gives all three branches of the government the power to check one another?

checks and balances

What is the name of the document written in 1787 that established the United States government and divided it into three branches?

Judicia , legislative and exective

What is the government name in Colombia?

The government of Colombia is very similar to that of the United States. The Colombian government is split up into three branches: the executive, judicial, and legislative, and the head of their government is the President.