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Q: What names of god and goddess did they believe in ancient china?
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Was there an Egyptian goddess named Harley?

No, there was definitely no goddess in any ancient civilization with that modern name.Furthermore, the ancient Egyptian language had no "L" sound (as in Japanese), so no ancient Egyptian names include an L. The goddess often today called Selket was really called srkt in hieroglyphs.

How was the god and goddesses named by the ancient people?

Names are usually have a meaning relating to what the deity is God/Goddess of.

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His consort was Amphitrite, a Nymph and ancient sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus and Doris

What are some names of boys and girls from ancient Greece?

Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of beauty Hera: Greek Goddess of children and marriage Artemis: Greek Goddess of hunting Hestia: Greek Goddess of the hearth Demeter: Greek Goddess of grain Pandora: the first woman formed out of clay by the gods.

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The three early river civilizations are the Incas. Aztecs and Mayas

What are goddess like names that are not actual goddess names?

Names that are like a god/goddess would have significant meaning in the origin language- such as "god" is the Lord God in the English Bible.

What are the names of maat the Egyptian goddess's children?

I only know 1 of her children's name and that is AMON/AMUN, 1 of the most powerful gods in Ancient Egypt

What were all the gods and goddess's names?

It depends on which mythology or lore you speak of, there are many ancient cultures that had gods and goddesses, they number in some cases well into the thousands.

What are the religious names for earth?

Gaia and Terra are two from the Ancient world, both pagan and greek I believe.

What are some of the names of mountain's of China?

= Kunlun Mountains = Mount Muztag Kunlun Goddess Arka Tagh ulughz Muztaqh kungur taqh Bayan Har Mountains

Is the yo-yo Australian?

Actually its very ancient, and originates from many places with different names, but it was mostly found first in china.

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China and Japan fought two modern wars (1894-1895 and 1937-1945).Cathay & Sino- refer to ancient former names of China.