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The Russians and the Japanese .

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Q: What nations paid the greatest price in term of the number of lives lost during the war?
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Which nations paid the greatest price in terms of the number of lives lost during the war?

Germany Japan and Russia .

Which nation had the greatest number of lost lives during World War 2?

Russia .

Which nation paid the greatest price in terms of the number of lives lost during the war?

Russia .

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What groups paid the greatest price in terms of the number of lives lost during the war was it German soldiers or Russian soldiers or Japanese civilians or Japanese soldiers?

Russian soldiers

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What nation suffered the greatest loss in lives and property damage during world war 2?

The U.S.S.R = Soviet Union

What nations paid the greatest price in terms of the number of lives lost during World War 2?

Russia 10 million soldiers 25 million civilians China 3.5 million soldiers 20 million civilians Germany 5 million soldiers 7 million civilians Japan 2 million soldiers 3 million civilians Poland 250,000 soldiers 5 million civilians

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The United States is the only one others have holidays on the same day to commemorate the lose of lives during WW1 but not other days.

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LassieComment: Lassie saved lives and brought joy to all for 17 seasons from 1954 to 1971

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Nations are developing because the cities want more power where they live and want to have better lives.