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Q: What natural disaster does a transform boundary make?
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What can transform boundary form?

i trying to figure that out

What plates make up the transform boundary?

There is more than one transform boundary, an example is the Scotia plate and the South American plate as well as the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate.

What two plates make the transform boundary in San Andreas?

The Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.

Why was the natural disaster significant?

Please make your question more specific.

Why might frequent smaller earthquakes be desirable along a transform fault boundary?

because the plates are on the floor of the ocean and then doesnt make that big of a mess!

Is landslide a man-made disaster?

No flood is not a man made disaster. It is a natural disaster which is caused by the disturbance of natural environment.

How do you make a natural disaster project the size of a margarine container?

use a margarine lid and use some carton to build you're natural disaster. glue all the pieces together. if you want you can add some colour to it and add some more stuff to it.

What natural disaster can help a ecosystem?

there is various like a volcano can destroy but can make newer life after

How Do You Make Ditto Transform?

To make Ditto transform, which can only be done in fights, just use the move transform and you will get the opponent's PokeMon with it's moves.

How can you make Ditto transform into any Pokemon?

you can only transform into the enemy.

What make the dinosauros disappears showmein cartoon?

Scientists don't know for sure. They speculate climate change, an ice age or natural disaster.

How do you make a sentence with disaster?

by putting disaster in your sentence