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Heat stroke during the Indian summers. Extreme cold from blizzards. Traffic accidents from sporadic and heavy rain.

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Tornadoes and floods.

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Q: What natural disasters could happen where you live?
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Which cultures are targeted by natural disasters?

Natural disasters do not target a specific culture - they are not rascist. If it seems as if a certain people group is getting targeted by natural disasters, it is only because the place in which they live is prone to natural disasters.

Why do people still live in japan with all the disasters?

Why do people still live in America after Katrina, tornadoes, floods, etc? Natural disasters can happen anywhere; if everyone left an area after a disaster, there wouldn't be a whole lot of places left to live.

What natural disasters do Mexicans have to live with?

Volcanoes, hurricanes,and earthquakes

Why do people chose to live in places that have disasters?

There's virtually no place on Earth that is not prone to one type of natural disaster or another. Dealing with natural disasters is a part of life.

What environmental factor decreases population?

The general term for an environmental factor that causes a population to decrease is a limiting factor. Some examples are emigration and mortality, a lack of resources, natural disasters happen which makes people scared to to live there so the people flee, and habitat loss.

Is 2012 true or fake?

it is fake but there could still be a few earth quakes and other natural disasters but it is not that bad and there is a small number of percentage that there will be a natural disaster in new york where i live but California has a lot of earthquakes.

How might technology affect where you live?

Because of earthquakes, and natural disasters that have occured over time.

Is Logan a safe place to live?

I haven't heard of any unrest or natural disasters in Logan.

Why do peoople live near landslide prone areas?

People often do not think about the potential for natural disasters where they live if they have not seen such disasters firsthand. They will rationalize with thoughts like "It will never happen here." In other cases the people or companies selling the property may downplay the risk of landslides or may not do the necessary research on the risks the area poses.

Is it safe to live on Hawaii?

Is it safe to live anywhere? Hawaii does have it's share of crime and natural disasters but overall it is a very friendly place to live.

How can natural disasters cause people to move to another location?

They would want to live in another an area with no natural disasters cause there is a better chance of life expectancy, unless they want to die or other personal reasons.

How safe is Finland to live in?

pretty safe i think. there's not quite many natural disasters and so on ..