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They started off by a midcontinet rift which created the a basin for the Lake Superior. The Saint Lawrence rift which created the basin for Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Non of these basins were even close to being filled up with water until around 10,000 years ago. The Laurentide sheet then retreated and left a lot of melt water which then filled the basins which became the Great Lakes. This took a little more than a billion years from start to what it is today.

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Q: What natural process formed the Great Lake?
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Yes, 100% natural.

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By peeing in a ditch for a 100 years ---------------- the most common way is by underground aquifers. They can begin to pierce the soil above it due to heat and contractions of the earths core . The Salt Lake in Utah was formed by the Great Plain main aquifer.

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formed by the melted waters from glaciers

What is the Great Salt Lake?

The Great Salt Lake is the largest natural lake west of the Mississippi River. It is all that remains of a prehistoric inland sea. The Great Salt Lake has no natural drainage, and as the water evaporates, the salt remains. As result, the Great Salt Lake is more than seven times salter than the oceans. People can easily float in the dense water.

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Caddo Lake is the only naturally occurring lake in Texas. It is on the border with Louisiana. Many sites claim that there is only one natural lake in Texas, that being Caddo Lake on the Texas-Louisiana border. However, this neglects some oxbow lakes and other smaller lakes. Green Lake is a natural tidal lake in Calhoun County, Texas, on the Guadalupe River flood basin. There are some other small naturally occurring lakes in Texas, like Mitchell Lake in San Antonio, but most of the other lakes in Texas are reservoirs and not naturally occurring lakes.