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Female squirrel monkeys can carry their young from tree to tree easily. They can also jump from one tree to another!



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Q: What neat things can a squirrel monkeys do?
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Related questions

Do squirrel monkeys have claws?

No. Squirrel monkeys DO NOT have claws.

Why do male squirrel monkeys wee on other squirrel monkeys?

Not all male squirrel monkeys do this, only the dominant squirrel monkey in the group will do this. The dominant male squirrel monkey urinates on the other squirrel monkeys in the group to remind them that he is in charge and not them. Similarly, some animals urinate on their territory to warn others that they own it, it's a similar thing with squirrel monkeys.

What is the tail span of a squirrel monkey?

The tail span of a squirrel monkey is 14-18 inches long and it has a black spot a the tip of the tail. An interesting fact about tails are, small squirrel monkeys have a strong tail to grasp onto things and the adult squirrel monkeys have but not as strong, but they use them to grasp on to things suck at branches of a tree.

Do squirrel monkeys live in holes like squirrels?

Well they are called squirrel monkeys, so yes they do

Why do squirrel monkeys have claws com?

squirrel monkeys have claws so they can grip there food and branches properly.

Do squirrel monkeys live in tropical rain forests?

Squirrel monkeys can live in tropical rain forests.

Can you get squirrel monkeys from zoos?


Are squirrel monkeys endangered?


Do squirrel monkeys fly?


How many monkeys are there in the US?

There are officially only a amazing 30,000 squirrel monkeys left in the United States but in the rest of the world there is about 390,000 squirrel monkeys left the marjority of the squirrel population is in South American rainforests.

What do squirrel monkeys love to do?

your mom ^_^

Where is squirrel monkeys located?
